Thursday, March 21, 2024

How To Add Value To Your Home

Whether you are set on selling your property and moving home in the next few years or simply want to invest in your financial future, finding ways to add value to your home is a great starting point. 

After all, when the time comes, this will facilitate a speedy sale while also ensuring that you receive an excellent ROI on any home improvements that you made during this time.

With that in mind, here are some effective ways to add undeniable value to your home.

Build an ADU.

An ADU (Additional Dwelling Unit) is a great way to add value to your home. After all, it essentially turns underutilized outdoor space into a functional space, whether it's used as a temporary rental space or a place for friends and family members to crash. It is also the perfect small space solution for those with limited space. 

Make your home more sustainable. 

According to a recent study, nearly two-thirds of home buyers are looking for a sustainable home. As a result, finding ways to make your property more sustainable also makes it easier to sell in the future. It could also lower your current energy and utility bills, helping you to stay on top of your finances.

There are many ways in which you can make your home more sustainable, such as by installing double-glazed windows or sealing any gaps and cracks in windows and door frames. Changes such as these are clear examples of home improvement projects that are worth the money, especially when you consider the value they add to your property. 

Take care of your garden. 

Investing in your garden can also add considerable value to your property. In fact, 70% of buyers are willing to pay more for homes with nicely presented gardens and green spaces. There are many ways in which you can go about improving your garden, even if it's relatively overgrown right now. For example, you could simply aim to spend around thirty minutes a week taking care of your outdoor spaces, such as by mowing the lawn, pruning, and planting flowers. Over time, you’ll notice your garden transform for the better.

Alternatively, if you’re already dealing with a jam-packed schedule and do not have the time to focus on gardening tasks, you may want to hire a gardener to do this for you. 

Enhance your curb appeal. 

Finally, finding ways to successfully enhance your curb appeal can add value to your home while also winning over potential buyers before they’ve even stepped through the door. Again, there are many ways in which you can approach this task. 

For example, one of the easiest ways to improve your curb appeal is by repainting doors, window frames, and fences. While this may take some time, it makes your property look almost brand new, removing any signs of wear and tear. Alternatively, you could focus on revamping your driveway by replacing loose or damaged tiles or jet-washing the space so that it looks cleaner and more polished.

Removing The Stress of Launching a Non-Profit

Non-profit organizations play a vital role in society, addressing various issues and needs, from environmental conservation to social justice. For entrepreneurs, venturing into the non-profit sector can be incredibly rewarding, offering the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. However, unlike traditional for-profit businesses, non-profits operate with a different objective—they are dedicated to serving others rather than maximizing profits. While this mission-driven approach can be fulfilling, it also brings its own set of challenges, often leading to stress and uncertainty. So, how can aspiring non-profit founders navigate these challenges and ease the stress of launching their organizations?

Expert guidance with IRS forms

Navigating the intricacies of filing IRS forms for non-profit status can be daunting. The process is often complex and confusing, requiring meticulous attention to detail to ensure compliance with regulations. This is where seeking expert assistance can make all the difference. 

An experienced professional who specializes in 501(c)(3) startup non-profit tax law can guide entrepreneurs through the process, ensuring that all necessary forms are completed accurately and submitted on time. By enlisting the help of an expert, non-profit founders can avoid potential pitfalls and streamline the application process, reducing stress and uncertainty along the way.

Flexible work arrangements

In today's digital age, remote work has become increasingly common, offering greater flexibility and accessibility for employees. For non-profits, this flexibility can be particularly advantageous, allowing them to attract talent from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations. 

By being willing to make concessions regarding work arrangements, such as offering remote or flexible hours, non-profit founders can create a more inclusive and supportive work environment. For instance, you can attract stay-at-home mothers who have the skills but won’t be able to work in an office because of childcare requirements. 

This not only reduces the stress of finding qualified personnel but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and collaboration among team members. As nonprofits have a limited budget for recruitment, being prepared to make it as easy as possible to work for your business can make a huge difference in attracting talent you can afford. 

Exploring marketing options

Marketing is essential for any organization, including non-profits, to raise awareness, attract donors, and advance their mission. While non-profits may have limited budgets compared to their for-profit counterparts, there are still plenty of effective marketing strategies they can utilize. For example, Google Ad Grants for Nonprofits offers qualifying organizations up to $10,000 per month in free advertising on Google's platform. By taking advantage of programs like this, non-profit founders can leverage the power of online marketing without breaking the bank. 

Additionally, exploring other low-cost or no-cost marketing options tailored to non-profits can help alleviate the stress of fundraising and outreach efforts.

In conclusion, launching a non-profit organization can be a fulfilling and meaningful endeavor, but it also comes with its own unique set of challenges. That’s why it can make a big difference to be strategic about your non-profit. You can find experts who are dedicated to supporting non-profit organizations in many ways. Besides, you can also think outside the box when it comes to attracting talent. Many qualified professionals are stuck at home for health or childcare reasons. So, offering remote options can help you tap into those pools. The bottom line, aspiring founders can alleviate much of the stress associated with starting their organizations if they are strategic about their needs and wants. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

How To Change Your Relationship With Your Body

According to a recent study, “over 6 in every 10 women feel negatively about their bodies.” There are many potential reasons for this, though many are tied to societal beauty standards and comparing ourselves to others. 

If you’re among these statistics, working to change your relationship with your body is key to building your confidence so that you can begin to feel comfortable in your own skin.

With that in mind, here are some practical tips that you can use to change your relationship with your body for the better. 

Be mindful of the media you consume. 

One way in which you can begin to improve your relationship with your body is by learning to stop comparing yourself to others - especially the bodies you see online or on social media. After all, these images (which are often doctored) are said to cause self-esteem issues in just over one in five adults

As such, moving forward, try to be more mindful of the media you consume. You don’t have to follow influencers if they make you feel bad about yourself - and hitting that unfollow button can make a real difference.

Increase your daily step count.

Walking is a great way to facilitate healthy weight loss, which, in turn, can improve your relationship with your body. On a similar note, even light exercise triggers the release of specific endorphins, which are often tied to heightened confidence and improved happiness levels. 

As such, you should try to increase your daily step count so that you are fitting more exercise into your routine. This does not mean that you have to go on a big 10k walk after work. Instead, keep an eye out for smaller ways to stay active. For example, you could take the stairs at work instead of hopping in the lift or walking to your local shop instead of driving. 

Look into weight loss treatments.

Sometimes, we need a little help in order to reach our weight loss or body goals. Fortunately, there are many solutions in place for those looking to safely shed a few extra pounds, such as Semaglutide slimming shots.

Be sure to do plenty of research ahead of time relating to both the treatment and practitioner, so that you understand the procedure, its benefit, and how it works. This can give you much greater peace of mind moving forward.

Find a workout buddy.

As mentioned above, consistent exercise is key to achieving your fitness goals and improving your relationship with your body. However, it's difficult to stay motivated to exercise - whether you’re not getting the results you want right away or simply find that you’re too busy to work out. 

One way in which you can remedy this is by finding a workout buddy. When someone else is relying on you to head to the gym, you’re less likely to skip a session. Furthermore, you can motivate each other to stay on track and your goals while also making exercise in general feel less daunting. 

How to Improve the Appearance (And Health) Of Your Smile


A beautiful smile can light up a room, make you appear younger and healthier, and draw people to you. Sounds amazing, right? But what do you do if your smile isn’t exactly stellar?

Here are a few ideas to help you improve the appearance and health of your smile right now:

1. Dental Composites

Composites, like these Tokuyama dental composites, are one of the best solutions for improving a smile if you have teeth that are chipped, discolored or misshapen. Composites can fill cavities, repair chips, hide those gaps in teeth and so much more besides, and all without anything invasive. They are your secret weapon to a stellar smile, for sure.

2. Whitening

Stained teeth are something no one wants to deal with, but most of us will build up some level of staining over our lifetime. That’s bad news because they're powerful, persistent, and have a knack for showing up when least wanted. But, you know what, these days we have teeth whitening Whether it’s a professional treatment by your dentist or an at-home kit, whitening is your key to defeating staining. Just remember,  overuse can lead to sensitivity, so use wisely.

3. Braces and Aligners

In the quest for a straighter smile, braces and aligners are your best friend, guiding your teeth to their ideal locations. This journey might be long, filled with awkward food moments and strange new cleaning rituals, but the destination—a beautifully aligned smile—is worth every twist and turn, so speak to your dentist if you think this is something that could help you.

4. Veneers

Veneers really are the fairy godmother of smile makeovers. They don’t just cover imperfections; they transform your teeth into the best version of themselves. Whether you’re dealing with discoloration, chips, or gaps that dental composite can’t fix, veneers come to the rescue. They’re sort of like a facelift, but for your teeth, but think carefully before you get them as they are a permanent solution.

5. Regular Check-ups

Regular dental check-ups are non-negotiable if you want a healthy and radiant smile. These visits are less about lecturing and more about catching potential problems—cavities, gum disease, and other oral woes—before they wreak havoc. It’s your dental team’s mission to ensure your smile’s health and appearance are always on point.

6. Hydration and Diet

Your diet and hydration levels are the sidekicks to your smile. Drinking plenty of water and munching on crunchy, water-rich veggies not only keeps your body hydrated but also battles bacteria and washes away food particles. Basically, you need to get healthy from the inside out.

7. The Magic of Flossing

You knew it was coming right? Yes, we’re talking flossing. It might seem like a mundane task, but it’s your invisible shield against the dark forces of plaque and gum disease. Flossing gets into the nooks and crannies that your toothbrush can’t reach, making it an essential tool in your oral health arsenal.

Here’s to a smile that really does light up the room!

Here’s What To Do If You Suspect an Ingrown Toenail

At some point in your life you have probably felt an uncomfortable pain coming from one of your toes, and you haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause right away. Having an ingrown toenail is not only painful, but it can also turn into a bigger problem if it isn’t handled quickly and professionally. When it comes to safeguarding your health, you need to make sure you know what to do as soon as you suspect an ingrown toenail is brewing. Although it may not be the most exciting topic to explore, it’s certainly one that could help you out one day and save you from a lot of discomfort. With this in mind, here is exactly what to do as soon as you start to suspect an ingrown toenail.

Don’t Mess With The Sore Area

Although it may be tempting to try and relieve the area yourself you should never physically touch your ingrown toenail or mess with it. Avoid irritating the area with nail scissors and try to keep it as clean as possible without touching it too much.

Visit a Specialist

Your next port of call when you suspect an ingrown toenail is to book in a visit with a specialist so that they can properly diagnose and treat the issue at hand. A professional foot doctor will provide you with an in-office x-ray and a thorough check up to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment for your ingrown toenail or toe injury.

Soak Your Foot in Warm Water

Of course, you should always take advice from your doctor when it comes to trying any type of treatment at home. Generally speaking, soaking your feet in warm soapy water can help to ease some of the pressure when you’ve got an ingrown toenail. The warmth of the water can reduce the pain surrounding your toe and provide a level of comfort too.

Take Pain Relief

In many cases, ingrown toenails can be very painful which is why it’s important to stock up on over the counter painkillers. If you think you need a stronger dosage or your current prescription isn’t working well for you, get in touch with your doctor or foot doctor. They may be able to prescribe creams, lotions or stronger medication to help ease any discomfort you’re experiencing.

Wear Comfortable Shoes

Now would be the ideal time to invest in a comfortable pair of shoes that doesn’t irritate your toe or make the ingrown toenail feel worse as you’re walking around. If you work in a job that requires you to wear certain shoes you may want to talk to your manager about having some leeway until your condition is all sorted.

All in all, it can be very uncomfortable to experience an ingrown toenail, but there are a number of helpful solutions to make you feel at ease as you diagnose the issue. Working alongside a professional foot doctor will help you to get the best possible treatment and care so that your ingrown toenail doesn’t impede on your quality of life.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

How Remote Work Unlocks Opportunities for Women

Remote work has not only made it possible for people to work virtually anywhere—it also broke down countless barriers for many women.

Online jobs are transforming how women take part in traditional work environments, allowing them to overcome challenges that used to hold them back.

Remote work is empowering women and here’s exactly how:

The Capacity to Earn Your Own Income

Remote work allows women to finally earn a substantial income.

Sure, women in the past worked all the time but their hard labor went uncompensated for the most part.

Things have changed a lot since then.

Career-focused women can now climb the same corporate ladder as their male colleagues.

Even stay-at-home moms (SAHMs) can financially contribute to the household if they have a remote job.

With inflation at record-high levels in the Philippines, a one-income household may no longer be sufficient for a comfortable lifestyle.

If women are earning their own money, they don’t have to solely rely on their partners or even family members to support them.

This enables women to pursue whatever they want—whether to further their studies, advance their careers, or spoil their children.

A Healthier Work-Life Balance

Remote work offers flexibility that lets SAHMs care for their children (along with their partners) and run a household—without putting their careers on hold.

Traditional office jobs usually involve rigid work schedules, but with a remote job, SAHMs can shape their working schedules around their caregiving responsibilities instead of the other way around.

This is why a lot of SAHMs can work the night shift for US clients—when their children are asleep and there’s less noise all around, allowing them to focus on their tasks.

As for single women, the lack of commute results in a better work-life balance. They now have more time for themselves, their hobbies, and for their family and friends.

Location Flexibility

Not too long ago, a woman’s location dictated the work options available to her. 

Gender roles also come into play because men traditionally took on the roles of providers and would leave the country (and their families) to earn a good living.

Thanks to remote work, women can earn their own money—and they don’t even have to work abroad to earn it.

Because of technological advancements, women can land clients outside of the country and earn dollars, all in the comfort of their homes.

They don’t have to leave their families and children to support them financially.

Plus, in some staffing agencies—like Remote Staff—women are never alone in their remote working journey. Remote Staff will even assign a Client Relations Executive (CRE) to each one, who can assist with any work issues they might encounter.

Overcoming Gender Bias

Sure, the Philippines is touted as one of the more “gender equal” places in the world but the reality is, women are still paid less compared to their male counterparts.

In remote work, however, women get more opportunities to demonstrate their capabilities without having to worry about gender stereotypes getting in the way.

After all, what matters most to clients is that a task is completed on time and with great quality—and most women deliver just that.

Further, because of remote work, women can now have careers in more male-centric fields like technology, science, engineering, and more—while earning the same as their male counterparts thanks to the increasing transparency with rates.

Remote Work Empowers Women

Remote work is a game changer for many women.

It brought to light some of the difficulties women face in a traditional office job, in contrast to the flexibility within the remote workplace.

Remote work also lets women play a role in industries that were once largely closed off to them—even challenging societal norms in more ways than one.

How about you? How does remote work empower you?

Let us know in the comments!

About Rica Jankulovski

As the CEO of Remote Staff, Rica Jankulovski has been helping small-to-medium sized companies grow sustainably and steadily by matching them with hard-working, English-speaking Filipino remote talent.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Choosing to renovate your home is no easy decision to make. Whether you have bought a new house or you want to update your existing home, you must think long and hard about a renovation project. This is because they are not quick or cheap to do, so you need to ensure that not only do you have the money to invest, but also the time and commitment to see it through to the end. 

Renovating a property comes with many benefits. It can increase the value of the property, provide you with the opportunity to customize your home to your own personal tastes, you can give empty space purpose, make your home more functional, add additional space, and much more. However, it is not the only option to make a change in your home, especially if you have any doubts about the time, money, or commitment to a renovation. 

The other option you can utilize is making smaller updates to your home. This could be refreshing the paint or choosing to paint with new colors. It could also be upcycling your furniture to give it a whole new look, or replacing it with new and different items. You can also go around your home and declutter and change the decor. If you want to change the light and space in the room, you can utilize furniture and smart storage solutions to help you create zones and change the flow and space in your home, in addition to reducing the number of items you have in any one space to increase the natural light. You can add smart technology to make your home more eco-friendly while cleaning up your electrical wiring and plumbing. When it comes to your kitchen and bathroom, you can use cabinet painters to help you transform the look of the space, without a huge renovation taking place. The point is, there are many options available to you if a renovation is not the right move, or it is just not the right time for you to renovate your home. 

To help you on your journey, here are some top things to consider when deciding whether to renovate your home. 

Does your home need a renovation?

You don’t always have to do a renovation because your home needs one. You can simply do a renovation because you want one. However, if you are unsure, it can be helpful to consider what you need and what you want. Is your property in disrepair or in need of modernization? Do you need to increase the space in your home to help you achieve your personal goals? 

Do you have the budget for a renovation? 

A renovation can cost a lot of money, especially if you are considering adding space to your home. It is important that you consider how much it is all going to cost, and have done thorough research and obtained quotes. This will give a good idea of whether it is something you can afford. The last thing you want to do is to invest your money into something that you cannot afford. Make sure it does not put you in the red or cause you stress. It should also provide you with a return on your investment. Where possible, use your own funds and avoid borrowing money. You should always have an emergency fund as a safety net. Renovating your home might also be compromising in other areas, such as not buying holidays or cars for a while. 

Consider all the costs involved in a renovation. This might include professionals and contractors to carry out the work, designers, permits and permissions, materials and labor, new furniture, and much more. Remember that costs are rising too, so if your renovation is due to last a long time, you will need to consider inflation. You may also need to consider the cost of finding alternative arrangements for you if you need to be out of your home at the same time. 

Do you have the time for a renovation?

Not only does a renovation cost money, but it will also take up a lot of time. If you are working on the renovation yourself, then it will take up all of your spare time and energy, in addition to taking years to complete if you are not working on it full-time with support. Even if you are outsourcing the work on your home, it can still take a long time to complete, especially if you are adding an extension or other bigger projects to your home. Make sure you consider how much time a renovation will take, including any unforeseen delays. Make sure you are happy with this and any alternative arrangements you have to make. 

Do you have the commitment for a renovation?

Time and money are just some of the factors that you need to consider. While you may have the time and money to complete a renovation, have you thought about the commitment? A large renovation project is no small task to undertake. If you are working on it, you will not have much time for anything else. If you have outsourced the work, you will face a lot of disruption to your home and lifestyle. You will have to be committed to making decisions, getting things done, supporting contractors, making arrangements if there are delays or unforeseen costs, and more. It is not only time-consuming but will take up a lot of your energy and headspace as well. 

Are you clear on what you want to achieve with your renovation? 

Make sure you know what you want to achieve with a renovation, and that you have thought about your long-term goals. Your life will look very different in the future if you intend to create a family, as opposed to going off and traveling the world. If you are renovating to customize your home, make sure it includes everything you need now, and in 10 years. If you are renovating to sell, then consider the market, what makes homes attractive, and what will give you a good return. Make sure you have thought through your decision and what it will achieve for you. 

Renovating your home is a large project to take on. Consider these top points to help you on your journey. 


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Ensure That Your Home Is Absolutely Stunning

Are you interested in improving your home? If so, then there are lots of choices that you can explore. Here are some of the ideas that we recommend. 

Garden Choices

First, you need to make sure that you are exploring lots of different choices when it comes to your garden. The right garden choices will mean that your garden looks incredible while providing the right practical benefits. 

There are two ways that you can approach this. You could handle this as a DIY job. If that’s the case, then there are lots of guides and videos online that you can explore which will provide you with some fantastic ideas. Alternatively, you might want to think about hiring professional support like Eden’s Garden Design. The big benefit of doing this is that the final result will look incredible and provide real value for your property. 


Another key point is the repairs that might be needed around your home. There are quite a few repairs that could be required around your property. For instance, you might want to think about exploring options such as the roof. Overtime, it’s quite common for the roof to get damaged and fall into a state of disrepair. The good news is that this is an issue which is fairly easy to fix. You just need to make sure that you are checking your roof once a year for signs of damage so that you can stay on top of the situation. Particularly, if there has been a nasty storm. 

Unique Features

Next, you should make sure that you are thinking about exploring lots of different unique features for your home to guarantee that it looks absolutely stunning. For instance, one of the best options would be a beautiful fireplace. You could even get a 360 degree fireplace. As the name suggests, the big benefit of this feature is that it will heat all areas of the room equally. It will also be a wonderful new central feature for your property that you are sure to love and that will absolutely get guests talking. 

Clean It Up 

Finally, you need to make sure that you are taking the time and making the effort to clean up your home. In doing so, you can guarantee that your property looks presentable without spending a lot of money. This is a key step that you should absolutely take if you are thinking about selling your property in the near future or preparing to sell further down the line. If you aren’t cleaning your home regularly, then it’s easy for things to quickly get out of control. The good news is that with the right equipment and cleaning supplies it’s easy to ensure that your home shines. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you should take if you want to improve the appearance of your home and guarantee that it sells for the right price on the market in the future. Or, simply make your neighbors green with envy. 

5 Ways To Cultivate A Calming Home Environment

Modern life is very stressful, but your home can be a sanctuary that helps problems fade away. However, if you want to achieve this goal, it will be necessary to build a clear strategy.

Here are five of the most effective ways to transform your home and support a better quality of life. 

#1. Build a dedicated space to relax

If you truly want the home to become a calming sanctuary, you should focus on having a space solely for relaxing. Creating a meditation den in the garden is a great option. Alternatively, you could transform the guest room into a space for yoga, deep breathing, or listening to music. Even if you do not have enough space to dedicate a full room, ideas like giving the bathroom a spa-like upgrade can work wonders.

The chance to lock yourself away from the stresses of the outside world for a short time is a truly wonderful thing.

#2. Make the home more efficient

Financial stress is the most common cause of problems for the majority of households. Therefore, a focus on efficiency and reducing financial waste is advised. Experts like Skyline Roofing can help you avoid heat loss through roofing improvements. Meanwhile, double glazing is a valuable addition to the home. For the best results, you should also look to energy-efficient appliances and items like LED lighting.

By protecting the planet while also generating long-term savings, you will create a far better mindset.

#3. Create a comforting bedroom

Daytime improvements can make a huge difference to your state of mind. Nonetheless, getting a good night’s sleep is the key to regulating cortisol and leaving you stress-free. Moreover, the knowledge that you have a comfortable bed awaiting you after a stressful day is reassuring. A comfortable mattress, pillow, and duvet should serve you well. Blocking out light with better window coverings is also vital.

Managing the temperature and airflow should help you sleep like a baby. Not least when combined with a good evening routine.

#4. Boost your security

Feeling safe inside your property is essential if you want it to provide a calming experience. With this in mind, security upgrades are essential. Experts like Swann can install security cameras for you. Other steps include adding external lighting and addressing any issues with door or window locks. A comprehensive strategy will put your mind at ease, thus promoting the best atmosphere throughout the home.

For the best results, you can also add carbon monoxide detectors. Removing internal dangers will have a huge influence on the situation,

#5. Fix faults before they escalate

Finally, faults around the home can significantly harm your hopes of creating a calm atmosphere. Not least because you know that untreated issues will only worsen over time. Whether it’s fixing a leak before damage spreads or repairing the boiler before it breaks doesn’t matter. Any task that makes the home safer and more functional while preventing long-term expenses is a step in the right direction.

When combined with an ongoing commitment to keep living spaces clean and organized, you’ll never look back.

Friday, March 8, 2024

4 Practical Steps To Improve Your Work-Life Balance


Depending on the nature of your work and lifestyle, you may find it difficult trying to balance both worlds. Maybe your work constantly interferes with your life, or your lifestyle makes it difficult to give your work your best effort. Having a healthy work-life balance allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds. This is essential for increased productivity, improved health, better mental health, higher engagement, reduced stress, better time management, better relationships, and reduced work burnout. The following tips can help you achieve a better work-life balance. 

Prioritize your well-being

Make your well-being your number one goal by avoiding habits that negatively affect your work and life. For example, if staying up late to work or bringing work home affects your ability to rest or spend time with your family, consider avoiding it. You can find ways to limit your workload by delegating (if you have the power to) or requesting a reduced workload for some time. Similarly, if some unhealthy lifestyle habits are getting in the way of work, start making the necessary changes. Things like multitasking, working without breaks, and being disorganized can negatively impact your work. Additionally, habits like drinking and addiction to substances like heroin can also get in the way of work. You can learn on heroin detox and how to get it out of your system to improve your well-being. 

Plan ahead

Have a plan about how best to incorporate your favorite hobbies and other fun and relaxing leisure activities into your daily routine. Remember, you’re never too busy to have personal time. If you think your work life is too occupied or busy to add other activities, that in itself is a huge sign that you have a good work-life balance. So plan to combine leisure, social, and physical or fitness activities to give you healthy breaks from work. For example, if you find yourself faced with several back-to-back virtual meetings, try taking them when you go for a while or while spending a relaxing time in the park. When planning, prioritize the most important things, and this leads to the next tip. 

Prioritize important tasks and activities

You want to ensure that you always take care of the most important tasks in your day first so you leave as much time as you want for personal things. When planning your day, week, month, or even year, make sure that you write in activities, occasions, or projects you cannot miss. Let them be your main focus and prioritize around them. Whether it’s a wedding, party, date, or vacation, take advantage of the moments that are crucial for your happiness. 

Make each personal time count

Sometimes, it’s impossible to create as much personal time as you may want due to the nature of your work. That’s why you must make even the littlest time count. In other words, spend each little time you get meaningfully, pursuing hobbies or indulging in activities that allow you to feel more fulfilled while recharging your energy levels. Even at work, you can engage in meaningful projects that bring the best out of you and make you feel more fulfilled.