Showing posts with label Pet Parent Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet Parent Tips. Show all posts

Friday, August 9, 2024

How to Keep Your Dog Active and Healthy

Dogs are a wonderful addition to any household. But you have to make sure you’re able to accommodate them in your life. One of the most important things to know before you get a dog is how you plan to keep it happy, healthy, and exercised.

A dog is a commitment, not an ornament. But if you look after your dog, you’ll never look back.

The Age and Breed of Your Dog

Dogs are one of the most varied species on the planet. If you sit a dachshund next to a great dane, you’re going to see a world of difference. This also plays a part in how much exercise they need.

As a general rule, smaller breeds might not need as much exercise as medium to large dogs. However, even some smaller breeds can still be fairly athletic and can keep up with you, especially if they’re a working breed.

Working dogs like collies, field spaniels, and other shepherd, hunting, or guardian breeds often have a lot of energy and a fair amount of intelligence. This means they need loads of exercise and ideally freedom to run around and explore. Otherwise, their physical and mental health will suffer, and they might even develop behavioral issues.

Puppies have a lot of energy, but they might not be able to keep up with adult dogs. It’s often best to exercise them little and often. Your dog might also slow down as they age, but while they don’t need as much exercise, it’s still vital to take them out.

Working Around Your Schedule

As you can imagine, this all takes time out of your day. If you have a busy schedule, there are ways to make sure your dog is cared for.

Some people like to take their dogs out in the mornings and evenings. This is also a great way to keep yourself fit, especially if you have a dog that enjoys running alongside you as you jog or even cycle.

Another option is to hire a dog walker to take your dog out throughout the day. This is ideal if you’re away for a long time, because it also prevents your dog from being alone too long. A dogsitter can also feed your dog and even spend time with them when you can’t.

Dealing With Injury and Old Age

What if your dog is recovering from an injury or they’re getting older and slower? Does this mean that you shouldn’t exercise them anymore?

The most important thing to do is speak to your vet for specific advice about your dog. But in most cases, a bit of exercise is still good for your dog, and can even aid recovery. The trick is balance.

Over-exercising your dog can make things worse, and sometimes it’s hard to hold them back. 

A support aid like a hero brace can help your dog to exercise without risking hurting themselves further, and can help them with joint pain or weakness while they heal.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Five Things To Know About Getting A Dog

Thinking about getting a dog? A dog is not a simple decision that you should make without careful thought and consideration. A dog is a big change to your lifestyle and addition to your home that might take some adapting to.

If you’re looking at getting a dog for you and your household, then here are five things you should know ahead of time.

Know that dogs are for life

Remember that dogs are for life and not just for a brief period of time. Some dog breeds will live up to 20 years, which is a significant part of your own life. Granted, not all dogs will live this long and may only be in your life for around a decade. However, despite how long they live, they will be a part of your life and that’s a big commitment.

Consider what type of dog you’d like and how that would play out when it comes to taking up a certain period of your time in your life. Are you ready to make that commitment now?

Identify a budget

It’s important to look at the budget you have when getting a dog. There are lots of dog breeds out there and whether you are buying a dog from a breeder or shelter, there will be a cost involved.

Not only will buying the dog cost money, but everything that comes with it, will also need to be factored in. From the food to the accessories that keep your dog active and happy within the home. Consider all the costs and whether you can afford it while still living comfortably.

Understand the differences between dog breeds

There are plenty of differences when it comes to the different dog breeds out there. Getting a dog is not simply a decision you should make on a whim. It’s good to look at all the dog breeds you’re interested in getting and then work out which dog breed is the ideal pick for you and your lifestyle.

Whether it’s a small dog, a big one, an active one, or a lazy one, every dog breed comes with their own unique set of traits and personality quirks.

Get dog training in place

Dog training is essential, especially if the dog is a puppy or it’s your first experience of owning a dog. Puppy training Denver is a great investment to help get to grips with your dog when they first arrive in your home.

The dog trainer can provide you with expert advice, whether it’s handling bad behaviors to getting them used to a certain routine within the household.

Pet-proof the home

Finally, be sure to pet-proof your home. This is an important part of making sure your home is ready for the little one - or big one’s arrival. It sounds funny, but you’ll want to get down on all fours and go room by room to find any places or objects that might be within reach of the dog. 

Getting a dog is a big commitment, so make sure you follow these tips to make it easier.

Friday, March 31, 2023

How to Help Your Dog Thrive


Pets can bring so much enjoyment to family life and enhance it in many ways. Whether they are entertaining you with their cute antics or snuggling up to you for a cozy cuddle, there is no doubt that owning a pet can truly enrich your life. While there is no question that pets bring so much joy to everyday life, it is also crucial to consider how to enrich your pet’s life. Whether you already own a dog or are considering getting one, knowing how to take the best care of your pet is essential. 

Dogs can improve a person’s health and wellbeing in many ways. From providing you with a warm welcome after a stressful day at work to encouraging you to get outside and active when taking them for walks, there is no denying that dog ownership can be beneficial to humans. But when understanding how to enhance your dog’s life, you may wonder where to start. Read on to discover some of the many ways that you can help your dog to thrive to ensure they live a long and happy life:

Focus on Nutrition

The right nutrition is essential to help your dog to stay healthy and feel at its best. A balanced, healthy diet will maintain your dog’s condition while keeping them feeling great. When you start shopping for dog food, you will see that there is a vast selection available, all ready and waiting for you to try. With so many choices, knowing what to feed your dog can be challenging. Thinking about your dog’s breed and size is an excellent place to start, as this will help you determine the portion sizes your pet needs and the type of food best suited to them. If your dog has any existing health conditions, it is crucial to keep these in mind when choosing foods. 

Selecting foods that have been produced in consultation with a dog nutritionist, and contain your dog’s favorite flavors, such as the best salmon dog food, will help you find nutritious food that your pet will love to eat. Focusing on flavor and considering the texture of the dog food is especially important if your pet is a fussy eater.

Make Time for Exercise

Some dogs have so much energy that they never seem too tired to play. While other dogs love to nap at every opportunity. The level of exercise that your dog needs will vary depending on a wide range of factors, such as their breed, health, and age. Understanding the optimum amount of exercise your pet needs to feel at its best is essential. The right accessories are essential too. Honest Halo Collar reviews and testimonials about other accessories can help find what you need for your dog’s age. If your dog does not get as much exercise as they need, this can cause them to become overweight and lead to a wide range of health problems. In contrast, too much exercise could be bad for dogs with certain health conditions and for some small breeds, as it places excess strain on their joints and heart.

Understanding your dog’s energy levels and making walking together a part of your daily routine can be beneficial for both you and your pet. Taking a walk can be a special time for you to forget about the stresses of the day and for your dog to get outside into the fresh air and let off some steam. While you may find it challenging to know how long to walk your dog, to begin with, you will soon be able to follow its cues. Over time, you should get an idea of the right amount of daily exercise your dog needs to feel content and burn off any excess energy.

Keep Them Trim and Tidy

One aspect of taking care of a pet that is often forgotten is grooming. Taking care of your dog’s appearance is essential to keep it feeling at its best. Some dogs require extensive grooming and care each day to help them look neat and tidy, while others are far more low maintenance. Either way, it is crucial that you understand your dog’s grooming needs based on the type of coat they have. 

When a dog’s fur is left to become knotted and matted, this can cause them significant discomfort and can be frustrating. If your dog has particularly long or thick fur, you may prefer taking them to a professional groomer for them to be bathed and trimmed so that its coat is kept in the best condition.

Occupy Their Mind

As well as keeping your dog feeling at its best with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, it is also crucial to keep its mind occupied. Mental stimulation is vital to protect your dog’s wellbeing and prevent them from becoming bored. Plus, playing with your dog can also be a lot of fun for you as you come up with new and exciting ways to keep their mind active. There are many different ways to stimulate your dog’s mind and prevent boredom. Playing fetch by throwing a toy and getting your dog to return it to you is one of the simplest ways to combine physical activity and mental stimulation. However, you may also want to try scatter feeding, which is like hide and seek but uses treats. Simply hide some of your dog’s favorite treats around the house (in places where it is safe to do so) and let your dog sniff them out. As well as homemade games, there are also many dog puzzle toys available that challenge your dog to reach the food hidden inside them. These toys can be particularly satisfying for dogs and can keep them occupied for a long time.

In Conclusion

A pet dog can provide many years of companionship if they are well looked after. With the correct diet, plenty of physical activity, and mental stimulation, your dog will truly thrive and lead a long and healthy life. Investing time in keeping your dog as healthy as possible is well worth the effort and allows you to enjoy many good times together. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

What You Need to Know When Getting a Super Dog Breed


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Before getting a super dog breed, there are a few important things that you should know to ensure that you're prepared for the challenges that come with a high-energy, intelligent pet.

The Time and Financial Commitments

Some special dog breeds can take a lot of time and money to take care of. You should be ready to spend time and money on training, exercise, and vet care. Some breeds also need special food or supplements, like vitamins and supplements for dalmatians, to stay healthy and full of energy. You might also need to buy beds and tools for grooming, among other things. Some breeds, such as Poodles, need to be groomed a lot more than others to prevent hair matting.

Any Special Training Requirements

Training is important for any dog you own. But some dogs are often very smart and learn quickly. But they can also be independent and strong-willed. So, it's important to set clear rules and limits from a young age. Start training your dog as soon as you can, preferably when he or she is a puppy. You can train them by giving them treats, praise, or playing with them when they do something good. Don't use punishments that make your dog lose trust in you.

A Super Dog Breed Can be Hard to Socialize

Socialization is important if you want to own a super dog breed. Many of these breeds tend to be wary of new people and other dogs. This is why it's important to start introducing them to different people, animals, and places when they are young. To avoid this common pet mistake, this should start as soon as possible, preferably between the ages of 3 and 14 weeks. Start by letting your dog meet different people, animals, and places so it can get used to them.

Breed-Specific Health Issues

There are many health problems that could happen with certain breeds. Some breeds are more likely to get health problems like hip dysplasia, bloat, and heart disease. To make sure you get a healthy dog, you should do your research and look for a reputable breeder who checks their dogs' health. Always ask to see proof that the parents of the puppies are healthy. This includes exams of the hips and elbows, the eyes, and any genetic tests to determine long-term issues.

Necessary Living Space for Exercise

Size can vary among all dog breeds, of course. But many of them are medium-sized to large dogs that need a lot of room to play and move around. If you live in a small apartment or house without a yard, you should be ready to take your dog outside to play and exercise on a regular basis. This means that you will have to walk a long way from home. This is a great thing to do at dog parks. But some big dogs, like Retrievers, need two hours of exercise every day.


A super dog breed can be wonderful and rewarding. But there are some challenges. These include time and money, proper socialization, and providing enough space for regular exercise.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Three Questions Before Your Family Gets A Pet

Every parent will eventually be asked, "Can we get a puppy, kitten, or hamster?" Whether it's a short-lived crush on a friend's new fish or a constant fixation on cute puppies, it will make you feel bad and make you wonder if your family is ready for a pet. The truth is that as a parent, it's up to you to decide if a pet will fit into your schedule and the schedule of your family.

Adding a pet to the family can be good in many ways. They can be a fun way to get you outside, a loving friend when you need one, and someone to cuddle with when you've had a bad day. They're also a great way for kids to learn how to be caring and kind. But no matter how sure your kids are that they will help and be good pet owners, it will always be up to the adults to take care of the pet every day.

Look at these questions to see if your family is really ready for a pet:

Are Your Children Calm And At Ease Around Animals? 

If your kids are afraid of animals, getting a pet won't make them feel better. If they have had a bad experience with animals or just have a general fear of them, try having them spend time with friends or family members' pets first. Start by introducing them to older dogs instead of puppies because they are quieter and calmer. Your children will be ready to have their own pets when the time is right.

What Type of Pet Is Best For Your Family 

You might be looking for a certain breed of dog, like a chocolate labrador, but what really matters is finding a pet that is happy and friendly around children, fits your lifestyle, and doesn't take up too much of your time. This means you should throw away any ideas you already have and do your research.

If you want a dog as a pet, you should think about how much exercise it needs, how active you are, and how much space you have outside. For kids, a small pet can be a good place to start. Some pets, like chinchillas and hamsters, sleep during the day, so if your child wants to play with them during the day, they might get upset if they are woken up. Pets like gerbils can be wiggly and quick, making it hard for kids to hold them without squeezing too hard. Even if you choose a small pet, you still need to do your research because caring for it will take the same amount of time and effort.

What Commitment Can Your Family Handle

A cat or dog is the best choice for a family pet if you want to have a long, close relationship with it and really get to know its personality. But you should also remember that this is a long-term commitment, and a smaller pet like a hamster might be a better choice for your family. You also need to consider the life span of the pets that you commit to and factor in considerations such as whether you should cremate your pet dog or cat.

Your family will be better off if you get a pet. After you've thought about the things above, you might be ready to bring a pet into your home. Just make sure you can give them the same amount of time and effort that they will give you.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Top Tips For Novice Cat Owners

Cats may make terrific companions for people who enjoy being around them. They are adorable and fluffy, and while they certainly require care, they do not necessitate the same level of attention as a dog - for starters, they do not demand daily walks!

However, before you adopt a cat, you should conduct thorough research and prepare yourself. Cats can live for up to sixteen years on average, which is a very lengthy period of time in any species. 

Fortunately, we have put together some pointers for novice cat owners to make the process a little less complicated.

Think about your way of life

Despite the fact that cats are by their very nature independent creatures, they are not fully capable of taking care of themselves. Before bringing a pet into your home, be sure that your way of life is suited for your new companion. The type of cat you should get should be dictated by your lifestyle, including how busy you are, whether you have young children or other pets, and how much time you spend at home. For example, very busy people may find it difficult to find the time to care for a cat that requires a lot of grooming and attention, particularly for highly intelligent and active cats. If you are going to become a parent, or if you are frequently gone on vacation or on work, you may wish to postpone your decision for a while. Some cats, on the other hand, are well suited to living with people with busy lifestyles. 

Any allergies?

Does anyone in your household suffer from allergies, or do you? If you have a history of severe allergic responses, you should consider having yourself tested for feline allergies before bringing a cat into your household. On the other hand, some persons with allergies may eventually become accustomed to their own kitty while remaining sensitive to other cats. A safe bet is to select a cat that has a low level of allergies. Consult your veterinarian, literature, or the staff at your local animal rescue center for recommendations.

Feeding them

Certain cats, like some humans, are pickier eaters and have stronger food preferences than others, just as some humans are. It is unlikely that you will find many people who will turn their noses up at the prospect of eating canned tuna or salmon. However, getting into this habit can be a costly endeavour. Try them on a variety of healthy dry cat food and wet foods until you find one that meets their needs as well as your financial constraints. Remember to pick cat food according to the cat's age - if you have a kitten or an elderly cat, you may want to get a meal that is specifically customized to their nutritional needs. It is also beneficial to keep some treats on hand or to make some.

Keep them flea free

This is something that none of us wants to think about, but it is an unavoidable part of cat ownership, especially if you do not want your home to get infested with the little animals they bring into the house. Your veterinarian can advise you on the finest flea preventative or treatment to use and can prescribe it for you. It is recommended that you do this once a month or more frequently. If you are unfortunate enough to get bitten by bugs - and it does happen, even to the most diligent and meticulous of pet owners - keep an eye out for the unmistakable bite marks on your ankles and lower legs. It is possible to use flea bombs and sprays that are successful; however, it is necessary to keep on top of things because fleas can remain latent in furniture and carpets for years at a time.

Friday, September 17, 2021

3 Reasons Cats Make The Perfect Pet

Cat lovers around the world sing the praises of their furry friends, and you might be feeling tempted to bring a feline into your home. Cats make fantastic companions and there are lots of different breeds available so you’re sure to find the perfect match. If you’re still unsure, here are three reasons to take the plunge.

#1 They’re low maintenance 

Different pets require different levels of maintenance. Dogs are extremely people-centered. They need lots of attention and can’t be left alone for more than a few hours at a time. They also need to be walked (sometimes several times a day) and training can be a laborious process. Other pets like lizards and snakes demand complex aquariums with the correct lighting and temperature settings. Cats, on the other hand, need less expensive care.

They’ll groom themselves, though you will need to brush them occasionally. They’re happy to use a litter bowl (some people even train their cats to use human toilets) and are fastidiously clean. As long as you prepare adequate food and water you should be able to leave your cat alone for the length of the working day - some might even enjoy the peace and quiet! Though you will need to ensure lots of toys and climbing areas along with a good scratching post. 

#2 They’re cheaper to own than dogs

Cats are much, much cheaper to own than dogs. Taking into account everything from food to vet's bills and toys, the long term cost of cat ownership doesn’t even come close to that of a dog. Even though cats (especially indoor cats) live longer than dogs, their prices still don’t match up. That’s partly because cat food is cheaper and cats are smaller (thus eating less) but they aren’t as prone to the health problems associated with many over-bred dog breeds.

More and more pet owners choose cats as eco-friendly, too. Feeding and caring for a cat has a smaller carbon footprint than looking after a dog. Cats also prefer eco-friendly fish to meats like beef or intensively farmed crops like corn. Establishing the right kind of diet to meet a cat’s nutritional needs is still important, however, so it’s vital that you research pet food in Maricopa and consult a vet. A good diet leads to a healthier, longer and more fulfilling life.

#3 They’re friendlier than you think

Lots of people associate a cat’s independent streak with a certain aloofness. They presume that, since cats aren’t dependent on their humans to meet their every emotional need, the animals aren’t particularly friendly. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Cats adore people and they love to cuddle. While they do value their alone time, cats will make a big fuss of you when you return from work or if you’ve been on holiday. They love to be petted and a cat’s purr has known psychological benefits.

Some breeds are, of course, more affectionate than others. Ragdolls are just that - they’ll collapse into your lap for cuddles at the first possible opportunity. Persians, Maine Coons and Siamese cats are highly affectionate, as are the rare Sphynx and Birman.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Pets are the most cherished companions of individuals and families throughout the United States. According to statistics gathered by the National Pet Owners Survey, more than 85 million families in the country, or approximately 67 percent of households in the US own at least one pet.

However, owning a pet is a huge responsibility. Aside from seeing to its needs such as food and healthcare, you must also be wary of how your home can affect its well-being. Your home can be comfortable to you, but it doesn't mean that it will be comfy or even safe for your pets.

Below are some basic pet-proofing tips you'll need to do, so your pet can live safely in your house.

Beware of Pests

Pests are the carriers of many diseases that can be especially debilitating to your animal companions. Ants can cause allergic reactions in bunnies, ticks can pass parasites to your dog and fleas can sicken your cats. However, the real danger is when these pests inadvertently pass the diseases they carry from your pets to you or your loved ones.

Make sure to assess the pests in your home, from ants to flies. There are companies that specialize in tick control services, as well as fleas and all manner of household pests. Regular treatments will be necessary if your home is to be a safe space for your pets.

Assess Plants 

Decorative plants and herbs are all the rage in many homes around the country. These plants provide some fresh air, wonderful scents and a splash of greenery in every house. However, not all ornamental plants you put in your home can be safe to your pets.

Cats and dogs have a habit of chewing on greenery because of the flavor or to aid in digestion. If your decorative plants are unsafe, you can inadvertently poison your pets. Some of the most toxic plants you need to keep out of your home include the sago plant, the cyclamen plant and oleander flowers. Consult with a veterinarian before you buy any new plants for your home.

Clear the Nightstand

Pets are apt to try to crawl into bed with you at night. They will also be liable to start playing or even eating the things you leave on your nightstand. These can include small batteries and, more dangerously, your medication. Human medicine is dangerous to animals because the chemical interactions won't be the same.

Instead of leaving your medication and other objects on top of your nightstand, lock them inside drawers. This will prevent your pets from accidentally ingesting your medicines or choking on small items such as batteries and jewelry. If you must leave items on top of your nightstand, secure them in lockboxes or similar contraptions.

Set Up Barriers

Cats and dogs are curious by nature. They will rarely settle for staying indoors and will most likely stray outside at the first opportunity. You need to set up various barriers around your home if you want to keep your pets corralled within your home and avoid having to search for them.

Instead of having just one door, you may find it prudent to install a screen door as well. This will allow your pets a view outside that they can find stimulating without letting them run outdoors. Put up barriers at the top and bottom of the stairs if you want to keep dogs and pets from scrambling down and injuring themselves. Finally, you should install narrow window security bars on all windows to prevent cats and even dogs from leaping outside. 

Tie Up Cables

Cats and dogs are endlessly fascinated by cables and cords to the point where they play with them. However, they also tend to play with these things with their claws and teeth. If your pet manages to gnaw through the protective coating of the cables, the electric current can be powerful enough to give them a nasty electric shock that could injure or even kill them.

If you want your pets to avoid electrocuting themselves, hide your power cords and cables. If you can't stow them away from your pet's claws, you can give them an extra layer of protection. There are plenty of durable electrical cord protectors you can buy to ensure that your pet's teeth and claws don't fray them so easily.

Keeping a pet is an immense responsibility and providing them with a safe and comfortable home is essential. So before you even think about buying a pet or stopping by the pound, make sure your home is up to standards of safety. 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Family Dog

Are you looking to adopt a dog for your family? Choosing the right dog for your family can be challenging. What you need is a dog that suits your lifestyle and your family’s interests. This is because once you bring the dog home, it becomes a life companion. 

You have to take time to make an informed decision about the right dog for you and your family. You do not want to bring a dog home only to surrender it to the nearest shelter after a few months of realizing he is not suited for you. You can avoid this mistake by considering various factors. 

How to Find the Perfect Family Dog

Here are questions you need to ask yourself when looking to adopt the perfect family dog. 

What size is suitable for your family?

The first thing you need to think about is the size. Are you looking to adopt a small or large family dog? The size matters for many reasons. For instance, do you want a dog that fits your laps for cuddles? The size of your dog will determine the kind of activities you can expect. If you have a large compound, a large dog will be the perfect choice since you have plenty of play space. On the contrary, if you live in a small apartment, you may want a small dog due to limited space. Moreover, if you want a dog that will accompany you to various outdoor activities such as hiking and hunting, you may want to consider adopting a larger dog. 

How is your home environment?

The dog you adopt is going to live with you. Therefore, you need to determine if the home environment suits the dog. For instance, if you live in a place that does not allow dogs, you will want to let the idea of adopting a dog pass. In addition, some breeds are usually very active and require lots of space to live peacefully. If your home does not allow roaming, then check if there is a park nearby where you can take the dog for frequent walks. 

Which dog is suitable for your lifestyle?

The dog you choose to adopt or rescue should fit into your lifestyle. If your family is very active, you should opt for breeds like the German shepherd or Collies. Additionally, some dogs prefer specific diets. That is why you need to determine if your lifestyle will allow you to offer that kind of food. It would be best to consider your schedule because some dog breeds like socializing and get bored quickly when left alone. 

What kind of maintenance does the dog need?

A dog’s appearance and health have more to do with maintenance. As much as all dogs need basic grooming and food, some breeds need extra care. For instance, if you get a dog with a thicker coat, you will need frequent trimming and washing. This may require more resources. Moreover, dogs with floppy ears are often more susceptible to ear infections and may require frequent ear treatment. Other dog breeds eat a particular type of food, and you can get more info here

What age is suitable for a family dog?

You need to determine if you want to adopt a puppy or a senior dog. In this case, you should know that puppies require a lot of care and training than older dogs. The first six months may mean investing in dog training if you opt for a puppy. Accordingly, you will have to be patient with the dog. On the other hand, senior dogs can be an excellent choice if you do not want to invest in training. However, you have to understand that just because the dog is an adult does not mean they are trained. 

Should you go for mixed breed dogs or purebreds?

There are two categories of dogs you can adopt, a mixed breed or a pure breed. There is always a debate about the most intelligent and healthier of the two. In this aspect, you have to know that a mutt is prone to illnesses. However, the decision should be yours to make. Whether you want a purebred or mixed-breed dog is up to you. Still, you will need to look into other aspects that make the two categories different. 

The Bottom Line 

Before you adopt a furry friend, you have to determine if your family is ready for a pet. This will help you know what they want. If your family is ready for an additional member, you can use these tips to find the right family dog for you. 

Thursday, April 29, 2021

A new pet can be a welcome addition to any new home, and it can bring together your family and unite them, but what should you be thinking about when you bring a pet home, and what do you need to consider?

Is Your Home Pet Proof?

Whether you get a parrot, a cat, a dog, or a pet rat, you will want to make sure your home is as pet-proof and pet-friendly as possible. For example, if you decide to have a bird, then do you have enough space to keep a large cage? Or, if you get a cat, do you have prized soft furnishings that you need to cover before they sink their claws into them. Getting and preparing your home for a new pet is essential.

What Healthcare Requirements Does Your Pet Have?

Not all pets have the same healthcare requirements. For example, pet rats do not need annual boosters as cats and dogs do. So, what healthcare requirements does your pet have or need? If you are unsure, then you need to use to ensure that you get expert veterinary advice and guidance. Knowing what healthcare requirements your pet needs and has before bringing them home will make pet ownership all the easier and more enjoyable.

What Food Does Your Pet Eat?

Cats and dogs have different dietary needs, as do birds and other small furry animals such as house rabbits, so what dietary needs and requirements does your pet have. For example, does your pet dog require a specialist diet full of nutrients that can only be found online, or does it require a mix of both wet and dry food? Knowing what food your new pet eats and when will allow you to plan your daily routine, and it will also allow you to work out roughly how much your new pet will be costing you to keep. 

Where Will Your Pet Live?

Does your new addition need a cage or a crate to be kept safe, and if so, where will this be kept? If you are getting a cat or a dog, then will they sleep in a living area, or will they sleep in a bedroom? It may not sound like an important consideration, but animals thrive on routine, and getting their living area established and maintained early on will make sure that bringing a new pet into your home goes as smoothly as possible.

How Long Will Your Pet Be Left Alone?

When do you leave the house and for how long? Pets, especially dogs, are social creatures, and they can suffer from separation anxiety which could lead to destructive behavior if it is not managed. So, how long is your pet going to be left alone in the day, and where will they be left? All animals need access to water and food, so it is important to ensure that you provide them access even if they are crated or caged when you leave the house, even if only for short periods of time.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Pet ownership: How To Make Your Home More Pet-Friendly

No matter what kind of pet you keep, it is a great responsibility to make the home safe and comfortable for your animal friends. They deserve a clean and welcoming space just as you do. Globally, 33% of households own pets; unfortunately, most pet owners fail to factor in these animal friends before buying or building a home. For this reason, this article seeks to discuss three ways you can transform your home to be more pet-friendly.

1. Choose pet-friendly flooring materials.

Flooring a home is a huge investment, and a wrong one could be costly, especially when you plan on having household pets. Laminated floors, ceramic tiles, and woody designs are durable, easy to clean and manage. Although some may be slippery for a young pet, such as a puppy, they get used to it with time. On the other hand, for those with a preference for carpeted floors, you will have to take caution up another notch. For example, instead of choosing light-colored carpets, go in for darker patterned ones. This way, even after cleaning, there will be no visible stains that attract your indoor dog from scratching at it. 

Furthermore, avoid rugs designed with loose continuous loops. These types tend to trap claws, and to free their paws, a cat or dog will pull at it until it tears. A better option is to choose microfiber carpets or rugs designed to feel plush without leaving marks or tugging at pet claws. They are excellent choices for homes that allow their pets indoors. 

2. Set up a comfortable resting or sleeping place

Did you know that dogs and cats are susceptible to back pains just as humans? Unlike human beings, these animals cannot talk about it, but you should know how to pick up on these signs as an observant pet owner. A dog with back pain would usually appear inflexible or yelp when touched on its back. In other instances, it would whimper at every bodily movement it makes. A more obvious sign is a visible unsteadiness when standing.

To avoid these health problems from showing up, dogs need comfortable and breathable beds that cushion their bodies when they lie down. Better yet, a mattress that provides proper alignment of its spine will reduce the chances of a dog suffering from a slipped disc. Pawpedics dog beds are excellent orthopedic mattresses specially designed for man’s best friend. They’re waterproof, breathable, non-slip base, and come in four different sizes.

3. Hide all electrical cables

Dogs, cats, and pet rabbits love to chew on anything they get their paws on. That includes electric cables in the home. As a preventive measure against electrocution, it is recommended to hide all visible lines or encase them in pet-resistant cord protectors. These casings perform a dual-duty by wrapping around your electric cables while making them impossible for household pets to sink their teeth in.

Interestingly, these robust plastic casings come in varied colors which can blend in with the rest of your home. However, pet trainers recommend going in for darker colors that will not draw attention. The reason being, dogs and cats especially are naturally drawn to bright-colored objects. Furthermore, pet cord protectors come in different sizes and lengths to accommodate all electric cable types.

The next time you consider placing animal friends in your home, take extra precautions to make the space safe and comfortable. More importantly, store all household toxins such as cleaners away from reach. Finally, you must keep poisonous houseplants such as the Peace Lily and Sago Palm out of reach.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Is Your Child Ready To Take Care Of A Dog?

Have your children started asking you to get them a dog? A puppy is a big responsibility at any age, and it can be hard to know if your children are ready to take care of a dog. If you add a canine companion to the family at the right time, learning to look after a dog can improve a child’s sense of responsibility and caring, and improve their health. Buy a dog before they’re ready, and you’ll soon be stuck doing all the puppy care yourself, with children who have lost interest in the poor thing.

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If you’re going to buy a dog for your family, you need to be confident that you’re all ready for one, and that your children can be responsible enough to take care of the dogs’ needs and that they can interact with it safely. There are some good signs to look out for to help you decide whether the time is right for a furry friend. 

They’ve Put In The Research

Dog ownership isn’t always easy. There’s a lot to learn, and even adults can find raising a puppy very difficult, tiring work. Unfortunately, it’s not all cure puppy cuddles. You need to know that your children are aware of the responsibilities that are involved with owning a dog and aren’t just thinking about how cute puppies are and how fun they are to play with. If they’ve spent some time doing research about dogs, such as finding out what all the things are that the dog will need, this is a good sign that they’re thinking seriously about dog ownership. Have they done a bit of research about different breeds and thought about which might suit your family the best? Do they know where there are local breeders or rescues that you could get the dog from? Have they looked into the best food, beds, toys, and dog bowls? Have they spent time here learning about proper puppy training? You should do all this research yourself too, but taking an interest in it is a good sign that your children know that puppies need a lot of care. 

They Know How To Behave Around Dogs

Do you have friends and family who have dogs already? Take the children round to visit and see how they behave around the dog. Do they know how to safely introduce themselves by offering up their hand to sniff or do they just grab at the dog immediately? Do they leave the dog alone and wait for it to approach them or are they annoying the dog, trying to make it play? 

If you’re going to have a dog in the house, then your children will need to know how to interact with it safely and in a way that is enjoyable for them and the dog. Dogs are animals and can be unpredictable, and even the friendliest, best-trained pooch can react aggressively if it feels threatened, cornered, or hassled by your children or if the kids are not behaving in a safe way around the dog. Make sure they know how to behave with a dog before you bring one home. Assuming your new pet would never snap is a big mistake

Are They Responsible?

Depending on the age of your children, they could have different responsibilities to help to care for the puppy, such as feeding, walking and cleaning up after it. You don’t want to get stuck having to do it all by yourself when the kids are bored after a week and have realized that having a puppy isn’t just playing, cuddling, and petting. 

Do your children have chores they are responsible for at home already? If they’re good at getting through their chores without complaining or being nagged and are helpful around the house off their own back, this is a great sign that they will be responsible enough to take over at least part of caring for the dog. Depending on the age of the child, there will be something they can do to help look after the dog, whether it’s filling up their water bowl or taking them out for a walk after school. 

Remember that a dog is a family pet, and no child can completely care for one alone. The whole family needs to be responsible enough to make sure the dog is getting everything it needs and is being properly cared for. 

Are You Willing To Help?

No matter how responsible your children are or how much research they’ve done into the best puppy care, they will need some level of help caring for the dog. Don’t get a pet for a child if you’re not willing to be in charge of its care. Depending on how old your children are, you might need to accompany them on walks, walk the dog in the morning while the kids get ready for school, train the dog, or check the dog has been fed, walked, or groomed. 

Studies should still come first, meaning that if you’ve bought a dog for your older children, you might need to take over walks and other care during exam season. If nothing else, you’ll need to be prepared to cover any vet’s bills and expenses like food, training classes, and toys. 

Before deciding to buy a family dog, do your own research into the care they need, and the sort of dog that would best fit in with your family life. Make sure that you are prepared for the expense and responsibility of owning a dog, as well as the children. They might understand how much care a dog needs, but are you ready and willing to take that on?

Don’t forget to consider the future too. Dogs live quite a long time. If you buy a dog for the children, what will happen when they grow up and go off to college or move out? Are you willing to be left with the dog as the kids fly the nest? 

Friday, January 8, 2021

5 Hidden Dangers For Dogs You Need To Know

 As a dog owner, you’ll undoubtedly want to make sure your canine companion is at his or her best. You might feed your dog the best food and give them plenty of love, attention, and exercise each day.

But, are you aware of the hidden dangers to your dog that may lurk in and around your home? Don’t worry because a lot of dog owners seldom know about those hidden dangers. Here are 5 of the top hidden dangers you need to know and how your dog can avoid them:

1. Rodents

Some people keep rodents like mice and rats as pets and look after them like any other household pet. However, wild rodents that roam the outdoors can pose serious health risks to dogs (and humans, for that matter). But, just how serious is the problem posed for dogs?

Mice and rats can bite dogs if they’re scared and feel they are in danger. A bite from a rodent can cause serious problems for dogs because rodents can transmit leptospira bacteria. That results in leptospirosis: an infection that can often be fatal to dogs of all ages.

You can take practical steps to minimize the risk of your canine companion getting bitten by a mice or rat. Examples include:

  • Pest control surveys. Pest Authority and other pest controllers can check your home inside and out for rodent infestations and help you eradicate the problem;
  • Store sealed garbage outside. Rodents will bite through plastic garbage bags to find discarded food to eat. Store your waste in trash cans or locked dumpsters.

2. Food and Drink

You would think that food and drink isn’t an issue for dogs. However, there are some foods and beverages you should never give to a dog or let them eat if someone in your household drops it on the floor. The foods dogs should steer clear of include:

  • Chocolate;
  • Candy;
  • Coffee;
  • Alcohol;
  • Raw cooking ingredients, such as raisins, avocados, onions, garlic, and salt.

Suppose your dog has accidentally ingested even a small quantity of the above. In that case, you must immediately take them to Shallowford Animal Hospital or your preferred local animal hospital for treatment to help them expel the contents of their stomach.

3. Toys

All dogs enjoy playing with toys as it gives them mental stimulation and helps them stay fit and healthy. There are many different toys available to buy that get marketed as dog-friendly. And while that might be the case, the problem with those toys is when dogs break them.

It’s no secret that many dog toys get manufactured out of plastic for durability reasons. The trouble is, when dogs chew through those plastic toys, some pampered pooches might try to swallow them.

As you can imagine, when that happens, you’ll have to take your dog to your nearest animal hospital for treatment. Firstly, fragments of broken dog toys can pose choking hazards. And secondly, the jagged edges of plastic toys can cause internal tearing and bleeding.

You should keep in mind that those same hidden dangers also apply to dogs that chew and swallow toys for children. Always supervise your dog whenever he or she plays with toys, and keep children’s toys stored away from dogs.

4. Small Household Items

Most households will have things like remote controls and toys that require batteries to operate. If you leave batteries lying around within easy reach of dogs, the temptation for dogs to chew on those items might be too much to resist.

The same applies to other small items used regularly in households, such as buttons, rubber bands, and twist ties. Some dog breeds are more likely to pick up small household items and chew on them than others.

Still, irrespective of your dog’s breed, you should try to keep anything remotely interesting to a dog out of sight.

5. Small Animal Bones

There’s no denying that most, if not all dogs, will enjoy chewing on bones. If you live in a household where chicken and similar food gets eaten regularly, you might get complacent about where you discard the bones.

Let’s be clear: the only bones you should ever allow a dog to have are large ones sold by pet stores. Never give your dog discarded chicken bones as they can splinter and cut your dog’s mouth or puncture their stomach or esophagus.

Make sure you always dispose of chicken and other small animal bones in your garbage soon after you’ve eaten your meals.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Common Mistakes To Avoid As A New Dog Owner


Getting a dog isn’t like getting any other pet. They require a lot more care and attention and there can often be a steep learning curve involved as a new owner. It’s likely you’ll make some mistakes with your first dog, but these can be easily corrected if you identify these mistakes early. Fixing such mistakes could be important for the physical and mental health of your furry friend, as well as reducing costs and stress for yourself. Below are just some of the common mistakes you should try to avoid.

Failing to socialize your dog

Dogs are naturally social creatures. While man may be a dog’s best friend, they still need other canine companions in their life. This could involve simply going out to the park and meeting other dogs and their owners or attending training groups where you’ll meet other dogs. 

You should ideally start socializing your dog when they are young (but ideally not before they’ve had their vaccines). This will help your dog to become comfortable around other dogs. Lack of socialization could cause your dog to become fearful or aggressive towards other dogs (which could mean having to keep your dog on a lead at all times and having to steer clear of other dog owners). By socializing your dog, walks can become a lot more fun for you and your dog. 

Not giving them a feeling of freedom

It is vital that we train our dog, and while we need to help them with things like obedience, they need to have the same sense of freedom that we, as humans need.

When they’re out and about, they may need time off the leash, and while this can cause us a bit of stress, there are tools that can help, such as the Halo Collar, which means we can send return signals to the dog if they’re out of sight or too far away to hear us. The Halo Collar reviews online can help you with this tool, but it’s so important for their mental health to feel they can freely roam from time to time, as long as they are obedient.

Feeding your dog the wrong foods

There are many foods that aren’t good for dogs. Many human foods such as bread or dairy products will cause your dog to have digestive problems or gain weight. Other foods such as chocolate, grapes and onions can meanwhile be toxic.

It’s best to stick to dog food that you know will be good for your furry friend. Human foods like meats and eggs can be healthy for your dog, but you should still refrain from feeding them to your dog in large quantities. Be wary that certain dog food brands are more healthy than others. Portion size also matters - feeding too much of the right foods could still cause your pooch to put on the pounds. Nutritional guidelines for dogs can vary depending on the breed and age of your dog.  

Not walking your dog regularly enough

Just as it’s important to feed your dog the right diet to keep them healthy, it’s also important to give them the right amount of exercise. All dogs need to be exercised - however certain breeds require more than others. Pugs and bulldogs may only require short walks, while german shepherds and huskies often require long walks.

Make sure that you’re taking your dog on walks and not just playing in the backyard. Walking your dog also helps them to stay mentally healthy by allowing them to explore a new environment, while also offering the opportunity for socialization. It can also be a great way of keeping you fit (this can be one of the reasons many of us get a dog). 

Skipping vet check-ups

A lot of new dog owners only go to the vet when there is something wrong with their dog. Frequent vet checkups can often be worthwhile for catching health problems early, possibly preventing expensive treatment and further issues later down the line. Dogs are very good at hiding pain - and so you’ll often not know about health problems until they are severe.

Compare vets in your area to find one that is reputable and affordable. Taking out pet insurance could help to make vet visits more affordable, especially if you take out full life insurance while your dog is still young. Shop around to find the best insurance rates. 

Not looking after your dog’s teeth

A lot of owners don’t realize that cleaning a pet’s teeth is often necessary. By brushing your dog’s teeth, you can reduce the risk of your dog developing tooth decay or gum disease. This could prevent costly dental treatment later down the line as well as keeping your dog happy.

There are toothpastes and toothbrushes designed specifically for dogs that you can use. Dental chew sticks can also help. Vet check-ups will also help you to detect dental problems early so that they can be treated before they get too serious. 

Not trimming your dog’s nails

Along with grooming habits such as brushing your dog’s fur and cleaning your dog’s ears, it’s also important to trim your dog’s nails. If you don’t trim them, they could grow too long, resulting in health problems developing. 

You can buy dog nail clippers and cut your dog’s nails yourself using guides online. However, many owners prefer to hire a professional groomer to avoid cutting past the quick (which will cause pain and bleeding). 

Allowing behavioral problems to get out of control

Just like a child, a dog will develop behavioral problems if you don’t teach your dog right from wrong early. Bad behaviors could include barking, jumping, biting, chewing or not recalling. 

Behavioral problems are easiest to iron out when your dog is young, however you may be able to invest in a professional trainer to get rid of behavioral problems in older dogs. In fact, it’s often worth looking into professional training with young dogs too (there are puppy training classes where you can meet other dog owners and their dogs). Getting rid of these behavioral problems will result in an easier life for you and could also be important for your dog if it affects socializing or going on walks. 

Not picking up your dog’s poop

Picking up your dog’s poop is an unpleasant but necessary part of being a dog owner. This includes poop from your own yard and poop from the sidewalk when taking your dog for a walk.

Picking it up is not just considerate to others, but also important for reducing parasites and keeping everyone healthy. Make sure to always bring some poop bags out with you whenever you go on a walk and dispose of these correctly.

Friday, November 27, 2020

4 Benefits Of Adopting A Pet


Nowadays, it seems like the trendy thing to do is buy an exotic breed and show it off like it’s a new car or handbag. Don’t get me wrong; Cockapoos and Labradoodles are beautiful animals with plenty of personality. However, there are cats and dogs in need of help, and you should do your best to step up to the plate. After all, adopting a pet has many benefits that you don’t consider when you think about a shelter. Therefore, it’s about time you gave them a look and factored in the advantages of adoption.

Continue reading for more.

You’ll Save A Life

It’s sad that animals have to lose their lives because of irresponsible owners. That’s what happens when pets end up in shelters and aren’t re-housed. Due to the lack of space, some have to be euthanized, which is horrible to picture. Considering Uncommon Giving says that 6.4 million dogs and cats enter shelters every year, you literally save a life by adopting unfortunate pets who have done nothing wrong. Plus, so many of them are sweet and caring and don’t have a bad bone in their bodies. Designer pets will always have a home, but animals in shelters aren’t as lucky.

You’ll Save Money

You should consider the costs of pet ownership as it isn’t cheap to keep an animal. The Simple Dollar puts the average expense at upwards of $1,000, and that’s just for purchasing a dog. All in, you can expect to fork out tens of thousands of dollars in food, clothes, and veterinary bills. So, it’s essential to paws for a moment (pun intended!) and consider whether you can afford to own a pet. If you can but you’re on the edge, adopting an animal can cost as little as $50, saving you $950 straight out the gate.

You’ll Avoid Health Problems

The issue with buying from private breeders is that you can place style over substance. This means you’ll be tempted to gush over how cute they are without thinking about the mix. Designer dogs, while stunning, aren’t always healthy since they take on attributes from different breeds that can put their wellbeing at risk. A British bulldog is a prime example. Vice points out that not only are they cheaper from a shelter, but they will have fewer health issues as professionals understand how to care for a bulldog’s chronic respiratory problems.

You’ll Enjoy The Journey

Yes, rescues are harder to train and assimilate into the house. The ones that have been through hell will take a while to realize that love is healthy. As such, you can expect a pet from a shelter to lash out for a couple of weeks or months until it’s comfortable in its new surroundings. It’s tough at first, but it gets easier. Understanding your new member of the family is part of the process, and one that pet owners who rescue animals wouldn’t change for the world.

The process is sweeter when you recognize where you started and how far you have come as a unit.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

How to look after your pets this winter


Image source: Pixabay

Winter is the time when people wrap up warm, cozy up in front of the fire ,and drink hot chocolate.  It’s also a time that consideration needs to be taken for pets to ensure they are warm, they are happy and they are free from any potential hazards during the cold winter months. We are such a pet-loving nation; these tips will ensure you look after yours.

For dogs

Remember, your dog needs a walk, no matter the weather. Make sure your dog is wrapped up warm. If they don’t have a tremendous amount of fur, then you can purchase a dog coat to keep the chill off them.

After each walk and especially if you have been walking in the snow, check their feet and between their toes. There are times when grit can lodge in their paws. This can cause them to be in pain. To prevent this from happening, check after each walk.

If your dog loves splashing in puddles or swimming in rivers, dry them off after their walk. 

Ensure their bed is cozy where they can return to after their walk.

Winter may be a time when you have to adjust the food they are eating.  Healthy dog food is a must during the winter when they may be less active than during the warmer months. They may need additional nutrients to ensure they are fit and healthy over the cold months.

If the weather is horrible outside, then try to keep your dog active indoors. Ensure your dog has toys to play with. If you are concerned about safety indoors ,then read how to keep your pets safe at home.

For cats

If your cat loves to venture out during the cold weather, make sure they can get in when they need to. If cats are left outdoors, they often find a warm place to rest and this could be dangerous. They may end up in a car engine, or they may end up developing hypothermia and frostbite. So know where your cat is at all times during the cold periods.

If your cat goes to the toilet outside, then change this to have a litter tray inside during the cold weather. This ensures they feel warm and safe, and you can clean the tray on a regular basis for them.

Having your cat fitted with a tracking device, either a microchip or alternative, will be helpful should they wander off. This way, you will be able to track them quickly.

Increasing their food intake may be necessary during this period. Choose foods that your cat likes and ensure they get the vitamins they require during this time.

The cold months also mean it is the festive season. Ensure there is nothing dangling or that could be pulled down by your cat. This applies to the likes of tinsel. You may also want to ensure that your cat can’t get near any Christmas plants, too, as these can often be poisonous to cats.

These are just a few suggestions to help your pet survive the cold weather. If you happen to have a rabbit or guinea pig then the best advice is to ensure their hutch is in a sheltered spot away from the rain and snow. You can also cover their hutch in fleece to keep them warm.