Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
It's no secret that dogs have been man's best friend for centuries. They provide us with companionship, love, and security. But did you know that dogs can also positively impact your child's development? Here are five reasons why getting your child a dog is good for their development.
1. Dogs Help Teach Responsibility
One of the most important things you can teach your child is responsibility. And what better way to teach responsibility than by getting them a furry friend that depends on them for food, water, and exercise? Caring for a dog will help your child learn how to be responsible for another living creature. This important lesson will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
2. Dogs Help Promote Exercise & Healthy Habits
Another great reason to get your child a dog is that it will help promote exercise and healthy habits. A dog needs regular exercise, so your child will need to get up and move too. Taking the dog for regular walks or runs is a great way for your child to get some exercise while bonding with their furry friend. And, as an added bonus, it's a great way to get the whole family moving and active!
3. Dogs Help Kids Develop Compassion & Empathy
Kids who grow up with dogs tend to be more compassionate and empathetic than those who don't. This is because dogs provide us with unconditional love and acceptance, which helps teach kids how to love and accept others, even when they're not perfect. This is an important lesson that will help your child as they navigate through life's ups and downs.
4. Dogs Can Help Reduce Stress & Anxiety Levels
Dogs can help reduce stress and anxiety levels in kids, especially during times of transition, such as starting school or moving to a new house. In addition, dogs can provide a sense of security and safety, which can be especially helpful for kids who suffer from anxiety or nightmares. Allowing your child the honor of working with a dog can help your child overcome any fears or anxieties they may have.
5. Dogs Can Help Kids Develop Social Skills
Another great benefit of having a dog is that it can help kids develop social skills. Dogs are natural icebreakers and can help kids feel more comfortable in social situations. In addition, they provide a way for kids to connect with others, which can be invaluable during those awkward pre-teen and teenage years. For example, owning a dog like the Ausmate Australian Cobberdogs will help your child to develop social skills and confidence, as they will need to take their dog out in public and interact with other dog owners.
Dogs make great additions to any family, but they're especially beneficial for families with children. If you're on the fence about whether or not to get your child a dog, hopefully, this article has given you some food for thought. So if you're looking for a furry friend who will love your child unconditionally and help them grow into a happy and successful adult, look no further than man's best friend – the dog!
Friday, September 30, 2022
Can you give kids a wonderful childhood? It’s extremely difficult to balance between friend and parent, but at the end of the day you have got to be their parent first and foremost. However, this does not mean that you need to curse them out or make them feel bad when things go wrong. There are certain things that kids need from adults and parents, and we’re going to be looking at them in this article. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.
Love And Affection
Of course, all children need love and affection. These are things that should not be denied to any child, no matter the circumstances. If you do this, you’re going to end up with kids who are emotionally unstable, have no idea how to handle their emotions and feel as though withholding love and affection is how we deal with problems. Instead, you need to be able to tell your child when they are wrong, give them a solution and make sure that they know no matter how mad you are right now, you will always love them unconditionally.
There are studies that say that children that grow up without affection such as hugs grow up to be adults who are unable to give affection themselves, and often end up very angry.
Understanding And Compassion
Another thing that we’re going to be looking at is understanding and compassion. All children need the adults in their life to be understanding at times. It’s not always easy, and there are times where you’re likely not going to understand where your child is coming from in the slightest. Even when this happens, you need to be there and say that even though you don’t understand it personally, you understand that it is causing them to feel a certain way and find out if there is anything that you can do to help.
Giving compassion where you could give anger shows that child that no matter what, there is always another side to a story and compassion goes a long way to helping.
Even Those Who Aren’t Yours
Even if someone is not your biological child, that does not mean that you cannot contribute towards them having a wonderful childhood. For example, it could be your kids' friends, or you could be fostering a child for a short time. If you’re not sure what this is, you can look up what is foster care online and get the answers you need. Our point is that even in that short time, you can make a whole load of difference if you offer them the same compassion, understanding, and love that you offer your children.
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do in order to give kids a wonderful childhood. Every single child out there deserves unconditional love and care, so if you can make this difference in even one child’s world, that is going to be more than enough.
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Mindfulness is one of the biggest things that adults use as tools to reduce stress and anxiety and just to help tackle everyday life. But mindfulness can be started much earlier and become part of the practices that can help through tough situations like exams.
Here are a couple of ways that you can help your teen tackle stress and worry and build mindfulness skills.
Name it
There are no bad emotions, and that is something that many adults still struggle with. Emotions aren’t bad, and an emotional reaction to something is normal. But being able to work through the emotion comes from naming the emotion. Often we need a moment to sort between anger, shame, and upset. Taking that moment and naming the emotion can help the situation.
Dance it out
Our bodies hold a lot of tension, and many studies have been done on the physical impacts of holding stress and not dealing with emotions well. Our bodies can tell us we are stressed by giving us a tight jaw, stiff shoulders, holding the tongue to the roof of the mouth, and much more.
Dancing can help to increase happy hormones and work out those tense muscles.
The first thing to change in stressful situations is our breathing. When we are worried, anxious, or relaxed, our breathing is changed to match it. Something we can do to help our teens take a pause is to breathe with them. You can take a few deep breaths and make sure that you are both ‘in the room.’ Be aware of your surroundings and calm.
Extra support
Sometimes mindfulness is not enough to get through; there might be underlying things that will need more support to get through. Processes like accepts dbt can be incredibly useful and can be built into the routine for when things don’t seem to be going quite right.
Even when life is going well, mindfulness should still be part of the practice. Things like meditation take time to do well, so the more you do it, the stronger those skills will be. Apps like Headspace and the Calm app offer guided meditation, sleep stories, and more. By doing them together, you will not only be playing a supporting role in a great skill, but you will get the benefits too.
Keep in mind that what works for you might not work for others. But that doesn’t mean there is any less value in sharing. If you find that reading a few pages from a book can help you to unwind and center yourself again, share that. It might be that a few minutes of mindful colors can help your teen to feel okay again.
Walking isn’t just great for the body, but it is great for the mind too. As you walk, all the things weighing heavy on you can be put into the background for your brain to unpack and unpick unconsciously. Often our best ideas come from walking - and we get a sense of well-being too.
If you are looking for more ways to reduce your stress, read more: 3 ways to Lower Your Stress Levels.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
As a parent, there truly is nothing more important than finding time to spend with your kids. Even if you’re going through other problems in life or in your career, you shouldn’t take your eye off the importance of spending time with your kids because nothing matters more. That’s something you’ll come to realize sooner or later.
So what can you do to focus more on your kids and give them that time with you that they really need? If it’s something that you’ve been overlooking recently, there’s never a better time than now to start making some positive changes. Read on and learn about some of the ideas that’ll benefit your family the most.
Cherish Small Moments
Finding time to focus on your child might be tough when there are other things that demand your attention each day. But it’s not something that has to take up all of your time. Even on your busiest days, there’ll be opportunities for you to cherish those small moments between the two of you. Making the most of small opportunities of limited time is simply what you have to do when there are things taking away your attention from your kids. So be sure to make the most of each little moment.
Commit to Some One on One Time Each Day
Following on from the tip above, you can make sure that your kids have that time with you by committing to a little quality time together as a family each day. It might not sound like much, but having the opportunity to spend time together each day will mean a lot to you and your child, and it should mean that they’re not left to feel neglected. During that period of time each day, you shouldn’t be focused on anything other than them and whatever you’re doing together.
Share Their Interests
One great way to focus on your child a little more is to try to share their hobbies and interests with them. As your child gets older, they’ll develop more of their own personality and uncover the specific things they’re interested in. Sharing those interests together helps you to understand your child better and to see things from their perspective a little more. It’s one of those things that’ll definitely help you build a closer bond and that can only be positive.
Remember to Reinforce Positive Behavior
Focusing on your kids is also about making sure you’re doing your job as a parent and raising them the right way. Reinforcing positive behaviors is part of that. If you allow yourself to overlook these things, you’ll probably regret it later and your child will suffer the consequences. They’ll develop into better teenagers and adults when you help them understand how to react to situations in a healthy and positive way. And that’s something you can do from a young age with them.
Eat Meals as a Family
If you don’t do so already, you might want to think about making evening meal times a chance for your family to spend time together. Eating meals as a family gives you all the opportunity to talk about your day together and there’s no reason why your child can’t be a part of that from a young age. When they share their experiences and get a chance to practice their communication skills, that’ll benefit them massively in the long term.
Never Let Them See Arguments Between Parents
One thing you should never do is let your kids see you and your partner argue. Of course, arguments happen in relationships and that’s not the end of the world, but it goes too far as soon as your kids start to be impacted in any way by those arguments. And if that does start happening and you know the arguments are happening too often, maybe a split is the best outcome for the whole family. If so, seek family law legal advice and take things from there. It’s tough but it’s sometimes best for the kids in the end.
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Thursday, June 23, 2022
No one ever wishes to have a dental issue, but unfortunately, they are a fact of life. Thankfully, we live at a time where incredible dentists and orthodontists exist, able to take care of almost any dental issue. Even if you lose all of your teeth, dentists can help provide alternate arrangements that help you thrive.
That said, dental issues can be quite worrying to children. It makes sense. No matter how affable the medical professional is, having someone we’re not familiar with poke around our mouths in a clinical environment is certainly something you have to look forward to. Of course, as children, the promise of a treat afterwards of a bright, colorful sticker on our chest helps us feel more at home.
If it’s been decided that your child may need braces, they may feel worried about what it will be like to wear them, how to maintain them, and how many visits they’ll need. As a parent, assuaging your child’s fears of getting braces can be a great idea, if only to help them submit to this worthwhile process more easily. Let’s consider how to achieve that:
Meet The Orthodontist
Of course, taking your child to see the orthodontist can be a great idea. They’ll talk you through all of the options, and if you make sure to choose a friendly orthodontist, they’ll come across as a friend willing to help and develop a long term solution for your child’s dental health rather than someone thinking of ways to make them uncomfortable for long periods of time. When your child can see you positively conversing with someone able to converse like this, most of their worry dissipates.
Read Through The Materials
In many cases, dentists and orthodontists will have written materials to offer in order to better explain what they may not be able to cover in the meeting. With this, they can showcases what braces are for, why they’re important, how they can help, and the daily process of living with them. When this is laid out carefully and your child can picture everything they need to do in order to make this work, they’ll no doubt see that the process isn’t as bad as they think. Outside of a little discomfort in the mouth when braces are tightened, your child will be perfectly fine.
Share Your Experiences
If you’ve had your braces as a child, or perhaps someone in your family has had them, then they can talk candidly about their experience - of course with an eye to make sure the child feels reassured. This shouldn’t have the same tone as spooky stories you tell around a campfire, for obvious reasons. You may even show them before and after pics if you have them from your childhood. This way, they can see that this isn’t so difficult a process, as everyone they know and love went through it and came out better on the other side. It will also show them that there’s nothing uniquely ‘wrong’ about their situation.
With this advice, your child is sure to feel a little more comfortable when getting their braces.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
When you are planning to have a baby, there is so much to think about. But one of the most important things to consider is how you will mentally prepare for becoming a parent. It can be a huge change, and it's important that you take the time to get ready for it. This blog post will discuss some tips on how to mentally prepare yourself for starting a family and also talk about some of the challenges that you may face and how to overcome them. So if you're pregnant or planning to become pregnant soon, make sure to read this post!
1) Talk to other parents
One of the best ways to mentally prepare for starting a family is to talk to other parents. They can give you advice and tell you what to expect. You can also ask them about the challenges they faced and how they overcame them. This will help you feel more prepared and less alone.
If you don't have any friends or family who are parents, there are plenty of online forums where you can chat with other parents-to-be. Just remember, every parent's experience is different, so take everything with a grain of salt! Another great resource is your OB/GYN or midwife. They've seen it all and can answer any questions you have about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting.
2) Do your research
In addition to talking to other parents, it's also essential that you do your own research. Read books, articles, and blog posts about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. This will help you understand what to expect and give you a better idea of what you're getting yourself into. It's also essential to learn about the different challenges that you may face as a parent so that you can be prepared for them. And don't forget to talk to your partner! They need to be on the same page as you when it comes to starting a family.
3) Make a plan
Once you've done your research and talked to other parents, it's time to make a plan. This should include everything from how you're going to financially support your family to how you're going to balance work and parenting. It's also important to think about the kind of parent you want to be and what values you want to instill in your children. Making a plan will help you feel more prepared and less overwhelmed when starting a family. You could also look into IUDs affect on fertility when considering starting a family soon.
Of course, even with all the planning in the world, things can still go wrong. So it's important to be flexible and remember that there is no such thing as a perfect parent or a perfect family. So just do your best and enjoy this special time in your life!
4) Seek professional help
If you're feeling really anxious or stressed about starting a family, it's important to seek professional help. There are many resources available to help you, including therapy, support groups, and hotlines. Also, don't be afraid to reach out for help if you need it.
Having a baby is a big change, but it can also be an amazing and rewarding experience. By taking the time to prepare for it mentally, you can set yourself up for success. So talk to other parents, do your research, make a plan, and seek professional help if needed. And enjoy this special time in your life!
Sunday, March 20, 2022
It can be challenging to get your children to visit the healthcare center, especially if they feel healthy. However, it's essential that they regularly visit for checkups and routine vaccinations. The following blog will discuss some of the best ways to motivate your children to visit the healthcare center. It will also provide some helpful tips on making the process easier for both you and your child!
1) Explain The Importance Of Visiting The Healthcare Center
One of the best ways to motivate your child to visit the healthcare center is to explain the importance of routine checkups and vaccinations. Let them know that these visits help to keep them healthy and prevent them from getting sick. If they're old enough, you can even show them statistics on how routine healthcare can improve their overall health. This will help them understand why it's so important to visit the healthcare center regularly.
If your child is resistant to visiting the healthcare center, it may be helpful to schedule an appointment with their favorite doctor. This way, they'll be more likely to cooperate since they'll know that they'll get to see someone they like. Additionally, you can try taking them for a tour of the healthcare center before their appointment. This will help them feel more comfortable in the environment and make them more cooperative during their actual visit.
2) Make The Process Easy For Both You And Your Child
Another way to motivate your child to visit the healthcare center is by making the process easy for both you and your child. This means finding a healthcare center that's close to your home or workplace. Additionally, it's essential to find a center that offers extended hours so you can schedule appointments around your child's nap time or after school.
It's also helpful to find a healthcare center that offers convenient payment options. This way, you won't have to worry about paying for the visit up front. Additionally, many healthcare centers offer discounts for families who visit regularly. This can help offset the cost of routine checkups and vaccinations.
Finally, it's essential to choose a healthcare center that your child feels comfortable with. This may mean choosing a pediatrician over a family doctor. You can also look for centers that offer fun activities for kids, such as coloring books or toys in the waiting room. By making the process easy and enjoyable for both you and your child, you're much more likely to get them to visit the healthcare center regularly.
3) Use Positive Reinforcement
Another great way to motivate your child to visit the healthcare center is by using positive reinforcement. This means rewarding them for going to their appointment. You can give them a small toy or treat afterward. You can also praise them for being brave and doing a good job. This will help them feel good about themselves and make them more likely to visit the healthcare center in the future.
It's important to avoid using negative reinforcement when getting your child to visit the healthcare center. This means avoiding punishments, such as scolding them or taking away privileges. These tactics will only make your child more resistant to going to the healthcare center and may cause them to act out during their actual visit.
By following these tips, you can motivate your child to visit the healthcare center regularly. This will help them stay healthy and prevent them from getting sick. Additionally, it will make the process easier for both you and your child!
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
When you’re a mother, you’re always going to want to make sure that you’re able to bond well with your children. It’s one thing to have a child and a whole other thing entirely for you to build a healthy, lasting relationship with them. But if this is something that you’d really love to do, you can totally make it happen. And as a mother to a daughter, or daughters, you may especially want to make sure that you can bond with them well.
The mother-daughter dynamic can be a tricky one. You may find that it’s hard to navigate or that there seems to be a lot of friction. Or maybe you’re just worried about this happening and you want your relationship to be stellar? When that’s the case, you’ll want to work on your relationship proactively and intentionally. Even though parenthood can be stressful at times, it needn’t be hard work for you to make this work. Let’s take a look at how.
Be Calm
For starters, you have to stay calm. This is so important. Even though you might think that there’s friction between you or you’re easily stressed out, a good relationship starts with you being welcoming, open, and calm. If you’re worried about things, then find a company that offers options to help you reassure yourself. Then you can just focus on the relationship building at hand with other things off of your mind.
Want It
Next you’re going to want to make sure that you actually want it. Don’t force it or show stress. Instead, building a great relationship comes from you trying. You giving yourself and you looking to grow and compromise and learn. Even though “you’re the parent” this is important to know.
Find Common Ground
The next thing that you will need to do is try to understand her. Know what she’s going through and support her – but also find common interests. Know what you can do together and enjoy different things together. It can be a way to help you make sure that you bond.
Make It Your Priority
Finally, you’re going to just want to make this a priority. Don’t just assume that it’ll happen or worry if it’s harder than you thought. You know that parenting is a constant cycle of growth and it’s also very proactive. So to have a better relationship with your daughter, it has to be a priority. Make it something that you’re always working on. Make time for her or them and do things together. Make sure that she or they know that nothing is more important than them. It’ll allow you to make things happen.
Having a daughter is such a beautiful blessing. One that you’re definitely going to want to enjoy and make better. Bonding with daughters can be so much easier than you think when you approach things in the right way. So try these tips out and see how you get on.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Thursday, November 12, 2020
As a parent, you’ll know only too well how much you worry about the future of your children. You find yourself constantly asking questions like “am I doing enough for their education?” and “are they getting enough nutrients in their diet?” and that’s completely normal! The truth is, the only time you should be worrying is when you’re not asking these types of questions. As a parent you also have to think of the future, both their future and your own, and you may be wondering if there’s anything you can do now to make sure their future is as bright as it can be. Luckily, there are a few things you can put in place, so check out these tips on setting your children up for life.
Help them learn money management
Knowing how to handle your money is one of the most important skills you can have, and teaching your children this from an early age will help them understand that money doesn’t grow on trees. You can do this through allowing them to earn pocket money to spend as they please, but teaching them that once it’s gone, they will have to earn money if they want something else. For older children, encouraging them to put their allowance into a savings account will teach them the importance of saving money.
Plan for the worst
It’s a horrible thought, but one day you won’t be here for your children and they will be left with overwhelming decisions that are hard to make when you’re grieving. Thinking about this now and taking action will prevent them from any unnecessary stress and upset. Head to websites like Miller Funeral Home to get an idea on the types of things you could arrange.
You should also think about writing out your last will and testament in case the worst happens unexpectedly. That way, everything you’ve worked hard for will go to the people you love the most and most importantly, not end up in the wrong hands and cause any upset.
Set up savings
While you may be teaching your children the importance of being sensible with money, you can also set up a savings account in their name. Depositing funds as and when you’re available to will help build up some savings for the time they’re ready to leave the nest. Whether it’ll help with further education or a deposit on their own home, they’ll truly appreciate it for the rest of their lives, and you can rest easy knowing you’ve helped them build their dreams.
Teach them valuable life lessons
Finally, school is wonderful, but doesn’t always teach children skills that will help them in the real world. Skills such as cooking a nutritious meal, washing their clothes, and even learning how to do taxes (and the importance of them) are valuable skills you should begin teaching your children from an early age.
Being a parent is scary at times, but with these tips and your eternal love, your children are going to thrive!
Friday, February 28, 2020
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Tuesday, January 21, 2020
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- Eileen
- Left the corporate world to pursue a lifelong dream of being a successful writer. I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mom and grandmom enjoying everyday with faith and love in my heart as I go on this journey called LIFE.
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