Showing posts with label Mental Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental Health. Show all posts

Monday, June 3, 2024

Pexels - CC0 LicenseIt’s fair to say that a diagnosis of a health condition isn’t the most rewarding news we could receive. It doesn’t make you a worse person to accept that. However, it’s also true that a health diagnosis isn’t necessarily something to feel despair over. Many individuals live with more than acceptable quality of life despite added challenges or considerations they must deal with. It’s also true that such experiences can bond us...

Friday, May 31, 2024

What Kind Of Things Can Impact Your Mental Health?

 Image Source - CC0 LicenseYour mental health is extremely important. We understand that this is a hard task for some people, and it’s harder at some times than others, but this doesn’t mean that it’s not doable. In fact, there are a lot of things that you can do to take care of your mental health. To do this though, you have to understand what is impacting it in the first place so that you can then work out what changes you’re going to need...

Thursday, May 30, 2024

5 Effective Ways To Boost Your Mental Health

Feeling like you're struggling mentally isn't fun and can be harmful to your life and everything you hold dear. Even if you don't feel like you have depression or anxiety, feeling like things are getting on top of you can be worrying and overwhelming.But what can you do about it? With nearly a quarter of Americans struggling with mental health, finding what works for you is imperative to help you regain your quality of life and your happiness and...

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Embracing Balance: Mental Health Self-Care Tips

Image by: Alex Green/PexelsGlad to have you today as we're diving into a topic that often gets overlooked. It is actually important. Taking care of our mental health. Sometimes, we need to pamper ourselves, like going to meals and a relaxing spa. We also need to do things that nurture our minds and souls. It may be finding solace in a morning meditation or having a dance party in your living room. Join me as we explore the ways to maintain our mental...

Monday, December 18, 2023

Why You Should Start Looking After Your Mental Health

The importance of mental health has gained significant recognition in recent years, and for good reason. Looking after your mental health is as crucial as taking care of your physical health, yet it is often neglected or overlooked until problems arise. Understanding why you should start focusing on your mental health can lead to a more fulfilling, productive, and healthy life. Let's delve into the reasons why prioritizing mental health is essential.Mental...

Friday, September 29, 2023

4 Ways To Improve & Boost Your Mental Health

Pexels Life can be stressful at times and start to wear you down over time. As part of your self-care routine, it’s important that you also focus on your mental health and well-being.If you want to feel better overall then there are some actions you can take to help ensure this holds true. There are four ways, in particular, that will allow you to improve and boost your mental health over time. Be willing to give them a try to see if they can...

Friday, August 25, 2023

Counteract Stress Through Breathing

Almost all of us have either given or received the advice to just breathe when something is stressful, upsetting or painful. Our bodies aren’t designed to be stuck in fight or flight mode for more than a few moments in the face of immediate danger. But stressful situations, anxiety and other unexpected things can set that mode off. And a deep breath is exactly what you need to help. Photo by Tim Goedhart on UnsplashHow does deep breathing...

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

How to Get Ahead of Your Mental Health This Summer

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it's just as important to take care of your mental health during the summertime. The warm weather can be a great time to get ahead of any potential mental health issues you might experience later in the year. Addressing things such as hearing loss with digital hearing aids, fixing self-esteem or getting your eyes checked sooner rather than later can really put you in a better mindset for...

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

How to Open Up About Your Mental Health Challenges

Mental health is often seen as a taboo topic. Many people feel like they can't talk about their mental health challenges because they are ashamed or embarrassed. This is a shame because talking about mental health can be incredibly helpful. This blog post will discuss how to open up about your mental health challenges in a way that feels comfortable for you.via Pexels 1) Communicate in a way you're comfortable withThe first step is to communicate...

Thursday, March 24, 2022 In life, there are so many different obstacles and so many different variables that will be thrown your way. For a lot of people, challenges are met with a can-do attitude at all times. They’ll feel no burden, and they’ll happily attack every problem & error. It would be great if we all had the capacity and the chemical balance to do so. Unfortunately, a large portion of people have all...

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Your mental health is just as important as your physical wellbeing. You need to guarantee that you do avoid the issues that could be causing you to feel anxiety and leave you lethargic. Here are some of the key examples to focus on. Pexels Source CCO LicenseStressIf you’re looking for the number one impact on your mental health, then this is always going to be stress. High levels of stress are a massive concern because they can cause issues...

Saturday, December 11, 2021

How To Effectively Manage Mental Health Challenges

Image CreditMental health consists of having a good state of mind and emotional well-being to cope with anything life throws at you. According to health experts, mental health affects your choices, feelings, relationships, and actions and goes beyond not having a mental disorder. As much as mental health affects everyday life, daily situations can also affect your mental health. Making simple changes to your lifestyle and building healthy habits...

Thursday, December 3, 2020

How To Move On: Coping After Trauma

Image Credit Post-traumatic stress disorder is a form of anxiety caused by stressful, and often life-threatening situations. It can be a debilitating condition that prevents the sufferer from leading a full life. Often PTSD causes a person to relive their incident repeatedly, and have potentially vivid nightmares, insomnia, and extreme fears and anxiety. Post-traumatic stress can affect anyone. A severe incident can bring about feelings that...

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

4 Things That Can Make Your Depression Worse

 Image CreditMental health statistics in the United States are quite shocking indeed. For example, about one out of five American adults experience mental illnesses. The coronavirus pandemic gave further rise to the grim statistics on mental health across the States. Among the host of mental health challenges confronting Americans, depression stands tall. Adults aged over 18 are more likely to experience depressive illnesses in any given year....

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Life is full of ups and downs. One of the most challenging and distressing obstacles we face is carrying on when we experience loss. Grief can be incredibly painful, and it can take a long time to reach a point when you start to notice glimpses of recovery. If you’re navigating the grieving process, here are some tips to help you protect your mental health and wellbeing. Image by Allow...

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Signs That Your Child Is Becoming a Pessimist

It’s often said that the world can be defined by two types of people; optimists and pessimists. Both of them have their own strengths and weaknesses, and it’s arguable that a good balance is required for a healthy lifestyle and mental well-being. But what do you do if your child only displays negativity? Is it just a phase they’re going through, or is there something more concerning under the surface? Whatever the case is, here are a couple...