Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Ever wondered if those hours spent fussing over your flowerbeds are actually doing you any good? Well, it turns out, they might be doing wonders not just for your yard, but for your mind too! Let’s unpack how a slice of green paradise can seriously perk up your mental wellness.

The Mental Magic of Gardening

Gardening isn’t just about sprucing up your space; it’s a full-on workout for the brain. Pulling weeds, choosing plants, and planning garden beds require creativity and strategy, which keep your mind engaged and sharp. Tending to a garden gives you a sense of control and accomplishment, and these feelings are a real pick-me-up for your mood.

Plus, there’s science backing up the bliss of gardening. Research published in the “Journal of Health Psychology '' reveals that gardening slashes stress levels more effectively than other hobbies. The focus required to plant and prune keeps you anchored in the present, pushing pesky anxieties away. This mindfulness is a form of meditation, which has been shown time and again to improve mental health.

The Eye Candy Effect: Visual Wonders of a Well-Kept Garden

Imagine stepping outside to a splash of greens, reds, yellows, and blues. It’s not just pretty; it’s a proven mood booster. The lushness of green has a calming effect and is proven to lower stress and refresh tired eyes. And those bright blooms? They do more than just beautify the space—they can actually light up your brain, sparking joy and energy.

Researchers agree that visual exposure to natural settings increases serotonin, a feel-good chemical in the brain. This Means that chilling in your garden can genuinely make you happier, a handy tip for anyone feeling the urban blues.

Green Thumbs Unite: How Gardens Forge Community Bonds

Community gardens take this green goodness to the next level. They’re not only great for growing veggies but also for cultivating friendships. Gardening alongside others builds a sense of community and belonging, which is essential for mental health. These social ties can buffer against loneliness and depression, especially in big cities where neighbors might otherwise not meet.

And for the introverts? The garden still offers a deep, personal connection to nature. Observing the ebb and flow of life in the garden—from seedlings sprouting to leaves falling—can offer profound peace and a unique perspective on the world.

Unearthing Joy: The Emotional Lift of Lush Landscapes

There’s a certain magic in watching a garden change with the seasons, each shift bringing its own charm and set of surprises. As the first green shoots of spring push through the soil or the fiery colors of fall paint your garden with a new palette, you’re witnessing a live show curated by nature itself. This constant renewal not only beautifies your outdoor space but also rejuvenates the soul. The cyclical nature of gardening teaches resilience and hope, as every end leads to a new beginning. Each season’s change is a reminder that growth and beauty are always possible, turning your garden into a living metaphor for optimism and renewal. 

How to Grow Your Own Wellness Sanctuary

Ready to transform your garden into a stress-relieving oasis? Here’s how to get started, even if you’re a total newbie:

  1. Keep It Simple: Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Start small with a few pots or a tiny corner and expand as you gain confidence and comfort.
  2. Mix It Up: Plant a variety of things that bloom at different times, so there’s always something exciting and new to look at, no matter the season.
  3. Water Works: Add a water feature, like a small fountain or a birdbath. The sound of water is soothing and can make your garden feel like a tranquil retreat.
  4. Sit Back and Enjoy: Make sure there’s a comfy spot to sit and soak in the beauty of your garden. A nice bench, a swing, or a cozy hammock can make all the difference.
  5. Regular Tune-ups: Keep on top of garden maintenance to prevent your paradise from turning into a jungle. If it’s getting too much, don’t hesitate to call in some lawn care services to help manage the load.

Final Thoughts: Is a Garden Really a Game Changer for Mental Health?

Absolutely! The evidence is clear—gardening and spending time in green spaces can significantly boost your mental health. It’s not just about making your yard look good. It’s about feeling good, too. Whether you’ve got a green thumb or you’re just starting out, consider the garden your new therapist. So, why not grab a spade, plant some happiness, and watch your well-being blossom right along with your flowers? Remember, a healthier, happier life could be just a garden gate away.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Being able to grow your own grub in your backyard is always an impressive offering that you and your household can benefit from. Whether it’s a few common vegetables that you often buy at the grocery store, to an abundance of fruits, veggies, and herbs, the garden can be a great place to grow food.

With that being said, if you want to find success in growing your own food in your backyard this year and beyond, here are some helpful tips worth knowing.

Do your research

First and foremost, do your research. When it comes to growing food, it’s not going to be easy. Therefore, it’s definitely worth looking at what foods are easy to grow and what will grow well in the environment you’re in.

Certain areas and parts of the world will be more beneficial to grow certain plants and seeds. There will be weather conditions that you have to be wary of as this can influence how successful your harvest will be.

Be sure to do your research to understand all of the equipment and preparation you’ll need to have and do before venturing into growing food in your backyard.

Set up a separate vegetable and herb patch

To help keep things separate and more manageable, it’s certainly worth setting up a separate vegetable and herb patch.

You can easily buy wooden planters to place in your garden, or you might wish to build them yourself. Each to their own, so consider which option would be best for you and your needs.

Setting up separate vegetable and herb patches will help to keep everything organized and will also avoid certain plants clashing with one another.

Enrich your soil and plant feed

Make sure to enrich your soil and plant feed. Again, this is something you can do through research online but when you’re planting seeds, you want to have the foundations - which is your soil - to be the very best it can be.

That way, by enriching your soil and plant feed, you’re going to help give your plants the best chance of growing and growing well at that.

Prevent common outdoor pests

Being aware of common outdoor pests is a must, especially when it comes to growing food. Naturally, there will be common lawn pests that are attracted to your garden because there’s food readily available and growing.

Therefore, it’s good to find ways to prevent these common outdoor pests from ruining your harvest before you have the chance to pick them.

Don’t go too complex too early on

While it might be tempting to just plant anything and everything - be smart. Some of the plants and crops you grow will be a lot harder to maintain and manage as a newcomer to gardening in general. Be wary of what you can do within your knowledge of growing food in your backyard and start off easy.

Finding success in growing your own grub is quite the achievement, so even if your first harvest is minimal, it’s a big tick in the right direction.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Looking out the window, are you filled with joy and relaxation at the sight of a nice, tidy, healthy garden? Or are you filled with dread at the prospect of having to whip it back into shape after it’s grown a little unruly? We’re in the season when it seems like the garden is constantly requiring your attention and you might be tempted to simply let it grow wild, but you need to fight that temptation. There are significant benefits to keeping your garden neat and well-maintained. Here are some of them.

It’s good for your curb appeal

If you’re planning to sell your home at some point, then it’s important to stay on top of the garden now. A well-maintained garden boosts the aesthetic appeal of your home, making it more attractive to visitors and potential buyers. A well-cared-for garden can even add value to your property, making it more appealing to potential buyers.

It keeps pests out of the home

Overgrowth is more than just unsightly, it can become a real health concern, as well, especially when it starts letting pests into your home. If you’re starting to see the signs of critters living in your garden or home, then work with a team like All Safe Pest to get rid of them, then be sure to keep the garden neat and trimmed to take away their habitats and hiding places.

It’s important for your safety

An overgrown garden can even be dangerous. This is especially true when you have trees. As they continue to grow, their branches can become overweight, which can make them more prone to snapping off. If they fall on someone, they can really hurt, and high winds can even cause property damage by whipping them at your roof or window. Teams like Sal's Tree Service can ensure that you’re keeping your tree branches at a healthy length. After all, you don’t want them to become a risk but you don’t want to trim them too short, either.

It grows a healthier and more diverse garden

A diverse garden supports a variety of plants, insects, and wildlife, contributing to a balanced ecosystem. As such, it’s worth it to make some room for things like raised beds, where you can grow more than just grass and weeds.

It’s good for you

While you might want to rely on the occasional outsourced help to manage the really tough bits of the garden, you should try to get out there yourself at least a couple of times a week. Gardening is a form of exercise that helps maintain physical health and well-being, not to mention getting you out in the sun where you can get that all-important vitamin D.

If you think that maintaining your garden is a hassle now, wait until it’s becoming a real health hazard, letting pests into the home, and otherwise making your life a misery. Do yourself a favor and get some help getting it back into shape so that it’s easier to maintain in the months ahead.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Taking On Your Garden Safely In The Fall

Your garden is supposed to be relaxing, to help you feel at peace and enjoy your own little slice of nature. However, it does require you to take care of it and, sometimes, that’s not always easy. This is especially true in the fall when the weather can start to really act against us. It’s important to mind your safety when you’re out gardening, no matter what the weather is, and here we’re going to look at a few steps you can take to do that.

Stretch and warm-up

Gardening might not be the most strenuous exercise in the world, but it is physical work. Standing, kneeling, reaching, and all the rest of it is good for your body but, in that cold weather, your muscles can be a little stiffer, as can the connective tissue on your joints. You want to avoid the increased risk of pulling something by taking the time to stretch when you head out there. You might not necessarily need to do your pre-gardening stretches in the summer, but it’s always a good idea to do it regardless, just to help you stay limber and avoid the aches that can come with working outside for so long. It doesn’t take that long to add that little bit of safety.

Don’t forget the sunscreen

You might think that because it’s not quite as hot, you don’t need to worry as much about keeping your skin protected from the sun, but that’s not strictly true. For one, fall can bring its heatwaves, and it feels like they’re sticking around for longer, and getting stronger on top of it. What’s more, you need to protect your skin from the sun no matter what season it is. Even in the winter, UV radiation can do real damage to your skin. To that end, make sure you equip the right sunscreen for your skin type and consider investing in a nice hat and even a pair of shades to make sure that you’re as protected as can be.

Move plants that are likely to get destroyed

If a storm rolls through your garden, you want to make sure that there’s as little as possible for it to lift and throw around. When it comes to your plants, one of the easiest ways is to get containers for them. Lightweight, portable planters allow you to quickly scoop up those plants and move them inside, whether you’re able to dedicate some space in the home by the window to your plants, or you’re able to bring in special lighting that can keep those plants happy and fed with the UV light that they’re going to need.

Let the pros handle the higher jobs

If you have any particularly tall shrubs or trees, then you are going to need to trim them. Overgrown trees can become a real risk in the fall, when the change in weather, especially windy weather, and storms, is a lot more likely to cause branches to break, fall, and cause either damage or injury. You might be able to handle the lower branches yourself, but it’s probably best just to entrust the task to tree trimmers near you, who bring the equipment and the training to make sure that they’re able to handle those heights safely. What’s more, it’s all too easy for amateurs to trim a little too much off the tree, which can be damaging to its health. Just another reason to let the pros handle it.

Take care of your surfaces

Smoother hard surfaces, be they walkways, driveways, patio pavers, or otherwise, can become something of a risk in the fall. The leaves are coming off the trees and there’s going to be more organic residue in the air, as well as rain in the air. When combined, these can form algae or a film or organic green residue that can cling to the top of these surfaces and can make them a lot slipper, making you more likely to trip or fall. This is a particularly dangerous prospect if you have gardening tools in hand. Take a pressure washer to these surfaces after it rains to make sure that you’re not giving that film the opportunity to form in the first place.

Extra care is required when lifting

No matter what time of year it is, you should always be mindful of how you lift objects, especially heavier objects. You want to engage your legs and your knees, not your back, when lifting, and to stretch beforehand to make sure that your body is ready for that extra stress. In the fall, try to be extra mindful of your surroundings, including any flooring or surfaces you have to move over. If it has been raining recently, then you might want to put on a pair of heavy-duty boots that can help you maintain your footing’s grip, regardless. Or you might just want to wait for better weather to be on the safe side.

Be mindful of pests

When fall starts to come around, so can the pests. After all, many of them are looking for new places to set up shelter. First of all, be aware of any wildlife in your area, and what you should do if you spot them, especially the larger creatures. You should also look out for the smaller pests that can become a real hassle. Check your clothes and body for ticks every time you finish gardening, and watch out for things like wasps, mosquitoes, fire ants, and fleas. Aside from protective clothing, you might want to keep some insect repellent at hand to make sure that these pests can’t cause any health problems by getting too close.

Reduce the amount of maintenance it needs

If you don’t want to spend as much time working out there in the ever-changing weather, then one of the ways you can do that is to simply reduce how much work you have to do in the garden in the first place. For one, you can look at bringing in more low-maintenance plants, typically plants that are native to the area, that aren’t going to need your attention as much, or you can build shelters that control the light levels over certain beds. A more drastic option would be to install an artificial lawn so that you need never to worry about mowing or watering your grass ever again. This does come with pros and cons to consider, of course.

Store and maintain your tools

Your handy gardening tools make pruning, clipping, and otherwise managing your plants a lot easier. However, they are prone to degrading over time, especially if they’re left out in the elements. Any moisture is going to make them a lot more prone to rusting, which can make them more difficult to use and more dangerous, on top of that. You can help prevent accidents by taking better care of them. Getting a good tool storage box for the home or shed can offer them an extra level of protection. You might want to look at how you can keep them effective and maintained, too, such as by oiling any joints or moving parts on them. Depending on the tools, there are maintenance guides you can find online.

With the advice above, you can make sure that you’re taking care of your garden while being as mindful of your safety as possible. A clean and tidy garden is a great addition to the home, but it’s not worth risking your health for.

Friday, May 27, 2022

How to Start A Vegetable Garden

Do you currently grow any vegetables in your garden? Nothing tastes better than homegrown veggies, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult thing to do. Many people are put off by the idea of creating their own vegetable garden because they believe it’s going to be too hard to maintain.

The good news is that as long as you have the right equipment, the right topsoil, the right mulch, the right fertilizer – it should be much easier than you think. Below, we’ve got some wonderful steps to take you through how to start your own vegetable garden.

1. Scout your garden for the right location. Your plants need to have a lot of sunlight to be able to grow, and the same can be said for your vegetables. The veggies that you can grow in your garden light, but if you don’t have the right shade and sunlight, you’re going to find they don’t grow as well as they should. You have to have good quality soil too, because this will help the vegetables retain the nutrients.

2. Think about what veggies you’d like to plant. Now that you know where the vegetables will be growing, it can be helpful to choose which ones you’d like to grow. For example, if you have the right sunlight, tomatoes should be easy. You can also grow potatoes, mushrooms, well anything really!

3. Design your garden. You can’t just pick a patch of soil and chuck a few seeds on it, you need to do a little bit more than that. Draw a rough plan including your house to see whether there are any existing structures, paving and tree roots. You should also keep an eye on your garden to see how much sunlight each part of the garden gets per day. Vegetables will thrive when they get at least six hours of sunlight.

4. Pick your planters. You can choose to see your garden directly into the garden beds, plant vegetables and raised garden beds, and you can even use wall planters, vertical gardens or pots. Wall planters are fantastic for the vines of tomatoes, where raised garden beds are great for potatoes to dig deep.

5. Get planting. You need to start preparing your soil and plants in your seeds or seedlings, making sure that you have them watered regularly. Make sure that you turn the soil over with a square plated speed when you do this, because you need to loosen the soil to help Eric. Rotate your crops but not plants in the same vegetable in the same place every year. This will mean that diseases and bugs that can go after your veggies will be discouraged.

6. Feed your veggies. Once you have your vegetable garden and it is thriving, you should use great fertilizer to keep them well fed. You should also ensure that you have them watered daily and access to water all year-round. Now all you have to do is be patient.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

How to Rescue a Yard That's Seen Better Days

Your backyard can start to look pretty sad if you neglect it even for a short while. But you don't always have time to be out in the garden. You might also have ended up with a neglected yard through other means, such as buying a house that hasn't been looked after. It might look pretty drab, but there are always things you can do to rescue a yard that has seen better days. One option is to tear everything out and start again, but you don't necessarily need to raze your backyard completely if you want to bring it back to life.

Brighten Up Your Grass

A neglected lawn is one of the most immediately obvious signs of a yard that hasn't been cared for. The grass can quickly start to look brown and withered. You might even find that there isn't much grass left. If your lawn just needs a bit of a list, you can look at lawn treatments to help bring it back to life. It might be smart to reseed your lawn too, especially if there are some patchy bits that need to be filled in. If your lawn is looking particularly bad, it could be smarter to start all over again.

Cut Back Overgrowth

An overgrown yard can look pretty shocking. It can easily take over your outdoor space, and you can end up with a lot of weeds and even pests making their homes there. If you want to keep some of the plants and trees you have, cutting back the overgrowth may be all that you need to do. Of course, it can be a lot of work to get it to a point that you're happy with. You might also want to completely pull up some plants, particularly weeds but also anything that you no longer want to keep.

Power Wash Your Paving

Any paving, such as patios or paths, can look really dirty if it hasn't been cared for. The quickest way to clean it is often to use power washing or pressure washing to give it a quick blast. You can wash away the dirt and stains to reveal a cleaner surface underneath. After cleaning, you can make any repairs if there is damage to the paving. Sealing it will then help to protect it in the future, keeping it clean and preventing weeds from growing too.

Replant to Fill In Bare Patches

If cutting back your backyard plants has left you with any gaps, you can replant to fill in bare patches. Think about what you want to plant and how much work you're willing to put in to keep everything alive. You might want to plant trees or bushes that will be there for years or perhaps you're happy to have some flowers that won't last as long. Plan your planting so you can plant at the right time and give everything a fighting chance to grow.

Your yard might have seen better days, but you can still rescue it if you come up with a working plan.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Garden maintenance is considered fun by some homeowners. However, not everyone enjoys it. 

If you are among those that do not enjoy garden maintenance, yet do it because you enjoy a beautiful looking outside space, then here are some tips to help reduce your garden maintenance and still maintain great results.

Protect your equipment

It is common to leave equipment lying around in the garden, or outside in a shed. Either way, the equipment can easily become rusty or damaged due to the weather. 

For example, you might leave game equipment outside for easy access. Yet, a storm could occur and damage it, which can result in a long repair job or spending more money. To reduce garden maintenance and keep your equipment in its best condition, it can help to protect it with the right bags and covers. You can find out more about how to store your game equipment the right way, such as cornhole boards, at

Add shelters

Shelters in the garden are useful for many reasons. They can help to shade people when sitting outside, which can protect people from strong sun rays or rain. Plus, a shelter can help to maximize the condition and life of your wildlife. 

For instance, adding a shelter over plants can ensure that they receive optimal sunlight - not too much and not too little. It will help to control the light levels that come into your garden, which can sometimes damage the condition of grass and plants. Hence, wildlife can flourish and not be burdened by the weather.

Fake grass

Speaking of grass, if you are someone who dislikes trimming it, then have you ever considered getting fake grass? This mimics the natural look and feel of real grass but requires no maintenance. 

This means you can still enjoy a beautiful green garden without the regular upkeep.

Use stones for edging

Another tip for grass and low garden maintenance is to use stones for edging. This will prevent weeds and ensure to keep the moisture in, which comes from rainfall or watering. 

Should you wish to keep real grass, then using stones will help to improve the appearance of your garden and the grass as well as reduce weed picking. Sometimes picking weeds is the reason why people fall out of love with gardening. Hence, if you can prevent weeds, then you won’t need to perform this dull job.

Choose low-maintenance plants

If you are someone who enjoys looking at plants in the garden but doesn’t enjoy (or isn’t good at) maintenance, then it can help to choose low-maintenance plants. This will mean that they will require minimal care yet still flourish. 

Doing your research on plants that can last in most/all weathers can ensure that you can perform minimal maintenance yet enjoy their beauty all year round. Likewise, researching the amount of sunlight they need will ensure that you plant them in the optimal spot in the garden. 

Friday, February 18, 2022

How To Control Light Levels In Your Garden

Whether you have a huge, sprawling garden or just a little outdoor space, it’s important to make sure that you have as much control as possible over the light levels in that garden. That’s because this enables you to care for your plants so much more easily, and it is also a great way to ensure that you can have a say over how the whole outdoor space looks. In this post, we are going to take you through just some of the best ways to control light levels in your garden that you might want to consider trying out for yourself.

Felling Or Planting Trees

First of all, take a look at what trees you have in the garden. Depending on your needs and what you are hoping to achieve, you might find it necessary to introduce more trees into the garden or even use a tree removal company to get rid of one or two. You might have to do a bit of both, too, depending on your plants and what you’re hoping for. But however you approach it, just bear in mind that having a good control of the trees in your garden equals a good control of the light level too.

Moving Plants Around

You can also take a look at whatever bigger plants you may have and see whether you can move them around in such a way as to make good use of the light levels. If you have smaller items that need more light, for instance, moving them around so that they are not overshadowed by the larger perennials can be all you need to do much of the time. So that is something to think about. Sometimes, just getting a little creative here can really make a huge difference to how your light levels in the garden work out.

Artificial Lighting

There is also a place for artificial lighting in a garden, and you might decide that you want to have some of this in yours. You might, for instance, want to light a pathway or create a patio area where you can relax by some soft lighting. Again, you’ll find that playing around with your options is the best way to go, and you should be able to create a wide variety of effects if you can make a point of doing this in the right way, so that is something to bear in mind.

Pruning & Growing

Finally, remember that you can control how much light gets to the soil by pruning and allowing to grow various plants around the garden. If you are careful about how you approach this you should find that it is surprisingly straightforward to control light levels in this way, so it’s certainly something to think about at the very least. With this all in place, your light levels are going to be a lot easier to control and manage, and your garden will benefit in a number of ways, including looking its very best year-round.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

When people think about gardening, the overwhelming responsibilities first come to mind. Plants are living beings and tending to them requires a lot of care, just like pets.

But to make them grow, they only require three main things: sunlight, proper watering, and a substrate. Plenty of indoor plants nowadays are low-maintenance too, therefore not requiring meticulous steps to tend to them.

You can get into indoor gardening for many reasons. It includes and is not limited to stress relief, a new hobby, decor, and health benefits. It's actually nowhere near as overwhelming as it might sound and you can always do it yourself with a bit of research, planting kits, or with the help of professionals too.

Here we list the types of indoor gardens that you could try out at your own home or apartment. These indoor gardens can be placed on your floor, windowsill, hung from the ceiling, or attached to your wall.

Container gardens

As the name suggests, this consists of an array of plants that can be grown in containers or pots.

Among the indoor gardens you can do, this is by far the simplest. Ornamental and herbal plants such as cacti, philodendrons, succulents, and ferns are perfect for these. Recently, many indoor potted plants have grown popular due to the pandemic when people were stuck at home. Among these are the snake plants, ficus, Swiss cheese plants, spider plants, and flowering plants.

You can line smaller potted plants by your windowsill or railings. It can also be placed atop a fireplace, shelves, countertops, desks, or as a centerpiece for tables. Medium to large potted plants is best placed in room corners, near the entryway, and spaces beneath shelves.

With the right equipment, you can also hang potted plants from the ceiling, above doors, or near windows.

Vertical wall gardens

A vertical garden is a good option especially when you have limited space or only wish to place plants in a few parts or walls in your home. This is doable through various methods that can match your spatial limitations and aesthetic preferences. Plants best suited for this are potted plants, moss, grass, ferns, or vines.

Rows of racks and easel shelves attached to or placed by the wall can be lined with an assortment of potted plants and vines. Matching your plant containers to the material of the rack or shelf can easily make your vertical wall garden Instagram and picture-ready.

A minimalist feel is also achievable through having an entire section of your wall lined with mosses (i.e sheet moss, preserved reindeer moss, pillow moss). Plenty of landscaping companies or even online services can provide moss for this intent. This kind of setup gives an entire slate of green on your wall that can be relaxing and pleasing to look at.

Hydroponic gardens

The hydroponic garden is a good choice for those who are into cooking and alternative medicine. Fruits and vegetables are the kinds of plants that are mostly used in hydroponics. Some plants best grown through hydroponics are cucumbers, leafy vegetables (i.e. spinach, kale, basil), tomatoes, and ginger.

However, figuring out what kind of hydroponics system best suits you and your home might require more research. The plants that you want to grow can also affect your decision on it because certain plants might require a specific hydroponic system for better yield.

Some different hydroponic systems you can choose from include aeroponics, drip, ebb and flow, nutrient film technique (NFT), water culture, and wicking. The supplies you would need for hydroponics gardening are water, water pump and tubing, plants, support structures, nutrient solutions, reservoir, and light.

Undeniably, hydroponics can be a bit tricky to figure out at first. But information gathering and the right research on starting a hydroponics garden can go a long way. Soon enough, you can have your own.

The benefits of an indoor garden are on your overall health

Plants in nature can cycle oxygen back into the air. Their presence and abundance within a room can greatly improve air quality and give it a fresher feel. Many studies have also proven this along with how plants can reduce indoor pollution as well.

Helping and being able to make plants grow often give us a sense of pride and achievement. With the amount of time one would spend on tending to their plants, there is satisfaction from seeing good foliage. Psychological studies also state that planting has significant positive effects on human comfort and psyche.

We can also economically benefit from these plants especially if we are growing kitchen staples. Not only does it help us save on groceries and is sustainable, but it also reassures us that we know how organic is the food we bring to the table.

Indoor gardening impacts both our physical and mental health for the better, which are very good reasons why you should take up this activity for yourself.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Why Gardening Improves Your Property

Your garden plays a vital role in the appearance as well as function of your property. Tending to it, from cutting the lawn and taking out weeds to fertilizing it, have beneficial effects on your well-being. But the importance of gardening doesn't stop with these favorable results. When you plan what goes into your garden, this spot of greenery can improve how you live in your home as well as raise its value in the real estate market.

A Manageable Home Improvement Project 

Garden improvement may not be an obvious project when you're planning to upgrade your home. Whether you intend to place the property back on the market, smart gardening can count as a practical project. You don't have to worry about construction activities disrupting your routine. You don't have to be confronted by surprises like outdated electrical wiring or foundational cracks that require expensive repairs.

The extent of problems you may encounter when improving your garden will depend on the size of your lawn - and your plans for its enhancement. But the issues aren't likely going to be as pricey as an interior home improvement plagued by common construction nightmares.

How exactly will garden improvement improve your property?

It can serve as pest control 

Some pests don't appreciate certain plants; they're repelled by it. So an alternative to using sprays and devices targeting these pests, try this mosquito control strategy: plant.

What do you plant?

Add the following to your garden:

  • Marigolds - they release a scent that turns off mosquitoes
  • Floss flower - it has a chemical called coumarin that repels the pest; but keep it away from pets and kids because ingesting it can be toxic.
  • Citronella grass - a popular option to keeping these pests away from your home
  • Herbs - rosemary's woody scent and basil's pungent smell repel mosquitoes; mint also acts a natural mosquito repellant.

Most of these plants can keep away other pests, like flies, ants, squash bugs and others that may destroy your garden.

Enhance your privacy

You can design your garden to prevent prying eyes from looking into your yard. If you enjoy quiet time or prefer to be in solitude, adding a high wall isn't the only option. Improve your privacy by:

  • Going with hedges as garden boundaries; deciduous trees can also function as boundaries
  • Planting climbers like ivy to create a private area with a romantic atmosphere
  • Using a trellis for other climbing plants
  • Installing a water feature for ambient noise; choose one that's low maintenance
  • Trying bamboo fencing instead of a wall as a garden screen

Low maintenance plants and trees can be a selling point

A low maintenance garden that looks just as charming as any will add value to your property; it may even be a selling point for some buyers because no one wants to spend too much time looking after a yard. It's not just expensive, but it's also taking away time from one's self or family.

Some low maintenance plants to consider are: peonies, hydrangeas, hardy geranium, fescue and thorn-less honey locust tree.

The right trees can help manage the cost of ownership

Trees not only look appealing in any garden. They also improve the air quality, add privacy and provide shade. When you plant them in strategic areas around your garden, they can also help you manage energy bills.

When considering which tree to plant, think about:

  • Maintenance, if you have to keep sweeping the yard for seapods, fruits and the like
  • Maturity, if its growth over the years could mean problems for your roof or power lines
  • Property space, will the tree's growth affect your neighbor's yard with litter or obstruct views
  • Deciduous or evergreen, the former is lush during winter whereas the latter has striking foliage during fall
  • Environmental conditions, will your chosen tree thrive in your location

The addition of a deck or patio extends your living space

Finally, when your indoor space feels a bit cramped, extend it to the outdoor space. A well-constructed patio or deck doesn't have to be expensive. It just has to be planned right for your lifestyle. Do you entertain friends frequently? Do you kick back and relax after a day at work? Or do you enjoy time alone?

How your outdoor space is designed and what it will contain in terms of furniture and accessories will depend on your goals for it.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Surprising Tool to Landscaping Success: Eley Hose Reels

It is a common phrase that many of us have heard over the years. If you have the right tools for the job that makes the work easier and faster, the more likely you'll produce the correct result time and time again. Whether you are in the business of landscaping or simply looking to elevate the landscaping of your back and front yard, this is exceptionally true. 

Getting the correct result when landscaping, especially if it is your business and job, is essential for reputation, positive customer relationships, and crucial for growing your business. When it comes to landscaping your yard, getting the correct result means less hassle for you, less work, and less cost of having to redo less than excellent results too. 

For these reasons, it is vital to own quality landscaping tools, regardless of whether you are a professional landscaper or a hobbyist. And one surprising tool to landscaping success is in the form of Eley Hose Reels. How is it that Eley hose reels are tools for success? 

  • The temptation to go for budget tools, unfortunately, can result in subpar hose reels. The saying, "you get what you pay for," can become all too true. For successful watering and use of hoses, whether for professional service or at home, it depends on whether or not your tools can stand the test of usage and time. And as a landscaping business owner, your business's success may rest partly on the reliability of your equipment. Eley ensures that their hose reels, carts, and every product they make are created from the top of the line, premium, heavy-duty aluminum alloy along with stainless steel hardware. 
  • Eley hose reels are incredibly well-built and ultra-reliable. These hose reels practically pay you back for your investment as they outlast, out-perform, and resist corrosion longer than almost any other hose reel on the market today. Plus, Eley products come backed by an industry-leading 10-year, no leak, no break, no rust guarantee. 

Eley's exceptional quality design, premium high-grade materials, and hard-grade powder coat paint combined to create a commercial-grade landscaping tool that rarely fails make it a tool made for success. By fully identifying the needs of their customers and offering only the highest-quality, fit-for-purpose tools on the market today, Eley will help your landscaping succeed.

Friday, April 23, 2021

The mention of spring brings with it visions of warm weather, fresh fruits, green vegetables, colorful flowers, and the promise of growth. This vision of life growing from the smallest of things to picturesque scenery is a natural masterpiece-a paradise on earth. What's even more thrilling is the fact that you can grow this masterpiece in your own home. A personal paradise, so to speak.

Having your own replica of Eden is the best home improvement method out there that doesn't just beautify your home but also increases its total value. If you plan on building your garden, or you already have one, here are some tips, tricks, and benefits you might want to know.

Tricks in Maintaining Your Homegrown Eden

The beauty of a garden lies in how good you maintain it. All the planning and planting will be a waste if you don't tend to your garden regularly. Here are a few reminders to keep your homegrown Eden a paradise.

Do Not Leave Your Bugs Unattended

Bugs work like a transporter. Once a plant is infected with a disease, a bug may carry it towards another plant, and before you know it, the rest of your garden is at risk. Always make sure you examine your plants for symptoms and drive away those bugs and pests with pesticides!

Plan Your Landscape

One common mistake beginners make is to avoid planning their landscape. They often assume that once they have decided to start a garden, that's all they need. However, you want to make sure that you have a plan or blueprint for what you want your garden to look like. As you may have known, beautifying your garden is quite expensive, and if you don't consider the home improvement costs, you might have to stop the project midway because you ran out of funds. If you made this mistake and didn't want to halt your project, consult your credit card provider regarding home improvement loans. However, you need a good credit score for this. Ensure that you also look for a company that provides credit solution services to increase your credit record and get your loan approved.

Plants Love Pasta Too

One clever trick in maintaining your garden is that every time you cook pasta, do not just flush the nutrient-filled water down the drain. After boiling, let it cool for a while and use this to water your plants. All the nutrients will not go to waste as this will help fertilize your plants.

Make Your Cat Cut the Crap

If you own a cat, chances are they might not understand how much you cherish those flowers. The delicate, gracious bloom of these flowers may be a litter box to a cat's eye. Protect your flowers by sticking plastic forks onto the flower bed to keep your cat away.

Wat-er You Doing?

Are you sure you are watering your plants properly? The tricky part about watering your plants is that it can either help them or cause their diseases. A moist leaf is a good place for pathogens to grow, so ensure that when you water your plants, keep the leaves out of the way and direct your water towards the roots. Always remember that too much or too little water are both bad for your plants.

The Benefits of Gardening

Believe it or not, gardening is actually a great way to reduce your loneliness. In an age of modern technology, we have fewer avenues for social interaction, but gardening provides us with one. Being outdoors gives you a chance to talk to your neighbors while you take care of your plants. Some towns and cities even have community gardens to provide their people with a place to enjoy their hobbies. How nice is it to have a specific place where people of the same interest get to meet together?

Whatever you do in gardening requires a number of your muscles to function, which makes it a good exercise-not too heavy that you tire easily, and not so light that your body doesn't get to benefit from it. A good physical exercise that involves bending and stretching is just another wonder of gardening.

Having a garden in your home also benefits not just ourselves but also the environment we live in. It provides a home for butterflies and bees and even helps keep the air that we breathe cleaner. After all, keeping our environment clean is also crucial in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Gardening is an adventure for all walks of life. In addition to all of its health benefits, the experience of going home to a place where the sun shines on blooming plants and flowers is a major stress reducer. Now, only one question remains, do you have what it takes to grow your own Garden of Eden? The answer lies in your hands.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How To Update Your Landscape On A Budget

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It may be time to update your backyard. Your grass is dying, the flowers you planted are long gone and you are tired of looking at it all. You want to upgrade, but maybe you are hesitant because of how much money you think it will cost you. Fear not, because there are ways you can upgrade your landscape without breaking the bank. Here are some tips on how to give your back or front yard a facelift on a budget.

Consider Using Mulch Alternatives

Using mulch saves you time and money. It decreases the quantity of water and weeding your garden needs if you have one. The only drawback is that mulch can be pricy. Mulch alternatives will provide you with the benefits of mulch without mulch prices. Some of those alternatives include grass clippings, leaves, pine needles, compost, stone and even newspaper. These simple and easy to use methods will leave your plants and your pockets happy.

Garden Up

Planting a vertical garden is the ideal thing to do if you are challenged with finding space. A vertical garden makes the most out of a tiny space. It is really cheap to do this. You can use a wooden ladder, terracotta pots and some wire for a rustic look. Clean out ould pant cans and fill them with soil. Hang them up and pot your plants. Use a picture frame to make a vertical succulent garden or transform your wooden fence into the prettiest vertical garden you have ever seen.

Add Color

It is amazing what a simple splash of color can do to change the atmosphere of a space. If you are looking for an inexpensive way to improve your landscape, just add some color. Do this by painting a planter or add a fresh coat of paint to wood, metal or plastic elements that are incorporated in your yard. If that is not the route you want to take, you can easily add color by planting colorful flowers or foliage. Place them in creative spots for a unique look.

Plant A Tree

Bringing a new life into your front or back yard is another great option. Planting a tree is one of the most cost-effective ways to do this. In addition to breathing new life into your yard, a tree can also save you money in the long run because it provides much-needed shade to your home, bringing down energy costs. Gather your digging tools, some mulch and a tree and you are good to start.

Plant Natural Perennial Ground Covers

This is a great option if you are sick and tired of weeding your lawn. You have used your Ryobi 4 cycle trimmer to manicure your lawn, and no matter what you always find weeds. Planting low-cost perennial ground covers is also better for your health. Weed killers are terrible for your health because of the harsh chemicals that are used. They have been known to cause things like cancer.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Keeping Your Garden as Presentable as Possible

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Summer is here and increasing numbers of us are looking forward to spending more and more time in our gardens. These outdoor spaces provide us with the perfect retreat during sunny days. We can bask in the sun. We can sit in the shade. We can have friends and family over for cold drinks or a BBQ. But in order to do any of these things, you’re going to have to make sure that your garden is presentable and in good shape. This is going to take some organisation, work and investment on your part. But it will be more than worth it. Here are just a few steps that you might want to take to keep your garden in the best shape possible!

Check Your Fencing

Over time, fence panels tend to go through a little wear and tear. This isn’t all too surprising. They’re battered by the wind and have to withstand rain and other elements. Gaps and cracks may begin to appear. It’s important to check your fences regularly to ensure that no damage has occurred. If there is any damage, call in professionals who can repair or replace your panels. If, after a fair few years, your fences are still in one piece but simply look a little battered, you might want to have new panels fitted too! Alternatively, a fresh coat of paint could help to make them look as good as new again.

Hire a Tree Surgeon

If you have trees in your garden, you’re going to need to use a tree surgeon’s services to keep them in good shape. While trees can make a beautiful addition to your garden space, they can quickly get out of control. If you still want the benefits of your trees (the aesthetic and the shade), then you don’t necessarily have to get rid of them. Instead, a tree surgeon will be able to maintain them - cutting branches that are getting unruly, dealing with the crown of the tree and pruning everything into a nice shape. This is great for safety (as falling branches could be dangerous), appearances and can also stop your tree’s branches encroaching on neighbour’s land. Find great Local Offers when searching for a tree surgeon. This will secure you a good price for a quality service.

Keep on Top of the Basics

Of course, maintaining a presentable garden is going to require that you keep on top of the basics. Make sure to mow the lawn regularly so that it doesn’t become overgrown. Make sure to pull weeds so they don’t take over your garden space. If you have flowers and flowerbeds, make sure to water them whenever needed. These simple steps will help to keep your garden a much nicer space!

Hopefully, the above tips and tricks will help you to create and maintain the most presentable garden space possible this summer. It really is important at this time of year when you’re likely to want to spend more time outdoors.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Family Garden Safety Essentials For 2020

Glorious gardens are a wonderful space in which to spend family time. However, for you to enjoy them to the full, you must ensure they are as safe as possible. A topic which you can read all about in the post below. 

Poisoning & toxic chemicals 

One of the most significant risks in the garden is that of poisoning. In fact, there are two primary sources from which this arises. The first is that gardens are often home to potent and toxic chemicals such as fertilizers and weed killers. Substances that you certainly do not want to allow your family unrestricted access. 

In fact, even applying them to your garden can cause an issue. If the family sits on the grass or eats vegetables that haven't been sufficiently washed off, that is. 

With that in mind storing any chemicals in a secure location, preferably with a lock is the best idea. It is also vital that you read and adhere to the instructions of each different chemical you use carefully. Particularly concerning how long a time should be left before you allow your family and pets to use areas that have been treated. 

The second instance where poisoning can become an issue in the garden is with the flowers and the plants themselves. In fact, many of the most beautiful looking fauna may be hazardous to life, if not suitably protected against. In particular, look out for varieties such as the deadly rosary pea, doll's eye, and hemlock


A water feature can enhance many outdoor spaces. Whether it's a pond, reflecting pool, stream, or even a fountain. In fact, the relaxing trickle of water is much prized for its calming and cooling effects. 

Sadly, there is another side to garden water features that you need to be aware of, and it's the risk they can pose to your family and pets. In fact, any body of water, no matter how small, can be a drowning risk. 

What that means is you must take measures to make any water feature as safe as possible. The good news is that there are several options to consider here, depending on the type of water feature that you have. 

For example, a pond may be made safer by the use of a metal grate that sits level with the waterline. Something that can be painted to ensure it is suitable fits in with its surroundings. The idea being that if anyone does accidentally stumble into its area, their weight will be supported and so they will remain perfectly safe. Similarly, for larger pools and swimming pools, rigid covers can be bought for when they are not in use. 

Alternatively, you may wish to choose a more advanced option and go for a fountain that is powered by solar energy. In fact, such foundations can be placed anywhere and do not require an independent source of water. That is, they just recycle around a jug full that you have to poor yourself. Something that means there is no pool created, and therefore much less risk. 

Additionally, remember if you do choose to have a water feature in your garden, you must have a way of circulating and cleaning the water. After all, standing water can attract all sorts of bacteria and insects that would be a threat to those looking to enjoy the garden, if they got too close. 

Insects and pests 

Talking of insects, and of pests in general, here lies another potential risk for garden users. In fact, pests can be problematic in several ways. The first of these is the tendency to bite, something primarily associated with insects such as mosquitoes. 

Unfortunately, depending on the whereabouts in the world you live, a note from a mosquito can be much more severe than an itchy red lump. In fact, some of these pests are associated with very serious and life-threatening diseases such as Zika Virus and Malaria. With that in mind, finding a professional Mosquito Control provider in your location is vital. If your design is to enjoy your outdoor space, without risk to the safety of your family. 

Of course, mosquitos are not the only pests that can be found in the garden. Rodents such as mice and rats can also be problematic. Especially if you live in either an urban area or a rural one where their preferred food sources are plentiful. Sadly, such rodents are often the bearers of disease and are indiscriminate of where they leave their droppings. Something that means both your garden and home can be at risk of becoming unsafe. 

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Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to minimize the risk of rodent infestation in your garden. One is to ensure that you store your trash well away from the house and that it is covered over as well. Additionally, promptly picking up any garden waste such as fallen fruits is also advisable. The reason being that they could provide such rodents a hearty meal and encourage their presence.  

Also is using traps to reduce the numbers you need to deal with can be helpful. There are even humane versions if you don't want to kill the rodents. 

Dangerous tools and equipment 

From chainsaws to lawnmowers, there certainly are a lot of potentially dangerous machines and equipment located in the vicinity of the garden. In fact, even a simple rake can cause a great deal of damage if left on its back and hidden in tall grass.

That is why it is so crucial that you and your family have a healthy respect for garden tools. Something that means you do not just leave them lying about. In fact, setting up a secure, lockable garden cupboard in the key here. While also instituting a policy of always returning them to their place as soon as you have finished using them is a smart idea. 

Additionally, making sure that you understand how to safely use and maintain the tool you have for the upkeep of your garden is vital as well. Although, for the latter task, recruiting the help of a specialist is often helpful. Indeed, it will also ensure that you get as long a life from such equipment as well. 

Contamination risks  

Finally, as well as the risk mentioned above, there are others that you need to be aware of. These broadly fall into the category of contamination risks. That is harmful things that are common in the outdoors that could negatively impact the health and wellbeing of your family.

One of these is the contamination risk that pet feces can cause. After all, many people allow their pets into the garden to do their business, yet use the same space for leisure, entertainment, and fun.

Image located at Pixabay - License CC0
To that end, setting aside a particular spot in the garden in which your pets can toilet is the best idea. In fact, if you can fenace this in, it's even better. The reason being that this will help to prevent contamination from occurring as much. While also being easier to regularly clean and keep on top of.  

Additionally, in most gardens, there are all sorts of bugs and creepy crawlies, that while a vital part of the ecosystem can also be hazardous to human health. 

For example, the common slug often hosts a parasite called lungworm. A creature that can be very harmful to both humans and domestic animals if accidentally consumed.  Of course, one way to deal with this is to use slug prevention measures such as pellets and copper tape. Although educating kids and checking and supervising your pets while outside can also help to reduce this kind of risk.