Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Your office environment is the key to the productivity of your employees. It is important that you take the time to make sure that it is conducive to a working environment that keeps your employees motivated. 

It is also imperative that you make the work environment ergonomically friendly for your employees. These are just the basics. 

There is so much more that you need to do to make sure that your office space is a place where your employees look forward to coming every single day. Here are some of the tips that you can use to get your office looking it's best.

Prioritize Ergonomics 

Ergonomy should be at the top of your list when you're creating a comfortable and productive office space for your employees. The way they sit, move throughout the day and even type is very important and can have a long-term impact on their overall health. 

When you take the time to make sure that you invest in ergonomic accessories and furniture you are taking care of your employees in a huge way. Here are some of the main things you should have in place to make your office environment ergonomically friendly.

Proper Desk Height 

You need to make sure that desks are at a height where resting their arms is comfortable while they are typing. 

Your employee's elbow should be bent at about 90° and this is going to reduce the strain on their shoulders. This will make your employees very comfortable.

Be sure that you educate them about how to position their monitors. Their monitors should be at eye level so that they can avoid the neck strain. You can purchase a monitor stand for each employee so that they can adjust their desk and chair to achieve the right height for them. When you have an office that is ergonomically well designed it helps prevent discomfort and it's going to boost focus and productivity.

Invest In Good Lighting

Lighting plays a very big role in both productivity and comfort. When your office is poorly lit it's going to lead to eye strains and headache as well as fatigue among your employees. This is going to negatively impact their work performance. There are many different light sources and types to choose from, here's what you need to know at a glance.

Natural Lighting 

If possible you should try to position your employees wherever there are windows and take advantage of natural light when you can. Natural light is going to reduce eye strain, but not only that, it's going to improve the moods of your employees and this can only drive productivity forward. 

House Lighting

House lighting is important in areas where there is limited natural light. If there is overtime work that is done after dark you can invest in this lighting for your employees. Having them strategically placed is a good idea. You should also make sure that you are checking how much of the workspace is illuminated. 

Harsh lighting is something that you want to avoid at all costs. Remember that fluorescent lighting is going to be very harsh and can cause headaches. What you need to do is make sure that you are opting for soft LED lights that are going to mimic natural lights as much as possible.

Declutter the Workspace 

When a workspace is cluttered it makes it even more difficult to do what needs to be done and this can have a big impact on employee output. There are many ways that you can approach making sure your office is clutter free. 

Minimalist Approach

The minimalist approach is where you keep only essential items that you need in the office. This is something that you have to do with the support of your employees. Give your employees the tools that will get them to keep their space organized. 

For example, you can give them the type of desk that has storage space. You can also equip them with a drawer organizer and they give them additional organizers to keep their office supplies neatly arranged. Educate them also on the benefits of keeping their space as decluttered as possible. 

Waste management is also something that you need to get under control when you are trying to make your office space as productive as possible. Consider what the best witch management techniques will be for you. 

Waste Management 

The amount of waste that your office produces may be different for your business than for others.. Get familiar with the waste management terms by using a waste management industry glossary to assist you. This can help you to decide how you want to approach waste management in your office. 

This is critical as it is inevitable that waste accumulates in an office and you need to know how you're going to dispose of it, so as to keep your staff healthy.

Maintain Optimal Temperatures

The temperature in your workspace can have a significant impact on the comfort and productivity that takes place in the office. If it's too hot or too cold it's going to cause a lot of discomfort and make it difficult to concentrate. The onus is on you to find the perfect temperature to make your employees as comfortable as possible.

Finding the right balance is important as the ideal temperature of an office is often around 20 degrees Celsius to 22° Celsius. 

However, this can vary based on the personal preferences of your employees. It's a tricky situation to be in as some people prefer a little bit of chill while others are addicted to the warmth. However, if you put some diligence into it you should be able to find a temperature that is suitable for everyone.

Educate your employees make sure they have a sweater or a blanket nearby just in case the office gets too chilly one day. Being cold can be a big distraction from work and cause a lot of physical discomfort.

Incorporate Movement

Movement is definitely something you should be incorporating into your office environment. When your employees start sitting for too long it can lead to fatigue and can even decrease productivity. The human body was designed for movement and you should facilitate this. 

Standing desks are a great way for you to get your employees up and moving. An adjustable standing desk will allow them to switch between sitting and standing throughout the day. This is going to promote good circulation as they reduce the risk of back pains and keep your employees a lot more alert.

Encourage your employees to take breaks as it's very important for them to maintain their productivity and this is a great way to do so. They should take a few minutes sometimes to walk around, stretch and just get outside for fresh air. This will help to clear their minds and boost their energy levels. 

Noise Management 

In a busy office it's inevitable that at times it's going to get very noisy. Shared office spaces tend to be noisy for one reason or the other. Managing the sounds in the workplace is critical because it can impact how well people can concentrate.

You can give your employees noise canceling headphones if they work in an environment where they need it. This will help to protect their hearing and should be a part of the personal protective equipment (PPE) that you provide as an employer. When noise is blocked out it helps your employees focus.

You should also try incorporating acoustic lights into your office as these lights can help to absorb some of the noise levels while providing you with a beautiful, lit environment. Wherever possible you should try soundproofing the space so that there can be adequate levels of quiet in spaces where you need it to be. 

Having soothing background music can help some people in your office to focus. You can use a productivity playlist or white noise apps to help create a calm environment in your office.

When the environment is nurtured and there is control over the noise. It's going to enhance your concentration and reduce your stress a whole lot. 

Keep them Hydrated and Nourished 

It's critical that you keep your employees as hydrated as you possibly can throughout the day. As this will help to maintain their energy levels. Make sure there are adequate reservoirs of water available to them so that they can replenish themselves accordingly. Some employers have found that having snacks in the office can also help to boost people's interest and their productivity as well.

Having an office is a big responsibility but you have to make sure you do your best to make your employees as comfortable as possible so that you can skyrocket productivity and grow your business. It's not always easy but by taking a few simple measures you can make the office space an inviting one. You may not be able to do everything discussed here at once, but try implementing a few at a time until your office is at its peak of comfort.


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