Thursday, August 29, 2024

Fixer-Upper Fumbles with Business Renovation

CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels

Business renovation shouldn’t be taken lightly. There can be some disruption at the very least, and you will have to make changes to accommodate it. However, there are also some pretty big mistakes you can make. From skipping regulations to DIY, here are some of the biggest.

Using the First Contractors You See

This cannot be overstated! Never just settle for the first contractor you see. Whether you do a Google search, go by word of mouth, or even check the good old classifieds, always do your due diligence before hiring any service. Even reviews can be fake, so spend time researching a service you are considering. From installing commercial garage doors for your auto repair business to cyber security systems as part of a digital transformation, look for the best.

Ignoring Local Building Regulations

There are tons of rules and regulations when it comes to making changes to a premises, whether residential or commercial. You must check if you are permitted to make changes, especially to the structure of the building, and then get said permissions. There are pretty hefty consequences for skipping this step. And it may not be the responsibility of the contractor you hire. Penalties include large fines, loss of business licenses, and jail time if something goes bad.

Too Little Business Renovation Funding

Running out of money during a renovation project is one of the worst things that can happen. Contractors won’t work for free! So, you need to ensure you have the correct amount within the budget. Almost 70% of renovations go over budget by around 10%. So, to be safe, set aside 15% more than you have been quoted or expect to pay. This can account for things that can go wrong, such as weather delays, out-of-stock materials and making last-minute changes.

Trying to Do Too Much Yourself

You can feel closer to a renovation project by imprinting it with some DIY. This is a great way to ensure some things are done the way you want and personalize the project. However, you should limit this to things you can do safely and are good at. If there is even a small chance that you will mess up the project in any way, then stay away from it. Conversely, trying to do everything yourself is a guaranteed way to damage the project and potentially make it unsafe.

No Project Manager To Oversee Things

You can’t be there all the time since you have a business to run. Most contractors will provide a project manager, but not all. Hiring a project manager can ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible and what you want gets done. Timescales and all-important budgets are improved when there is someone to oversee the timeline and events that form the renovation. Of course, this might cost more money, so include this cost in your initial budget as well.


Settling on the first contractor you see is a business renovation mistake. Not budgeting properly or setting aside money can also cause issues. You must also hire a qualified project manager.


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