Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Summer Fun: Making the Most of Your Yard

You can — and should — live well all year round, but it’s easier in the summer months. After all, there’s much to love about all the possibilities provided by long, sunny days. It’s a time to live our best lives. 

Most people plan grand adventures for summer. But you don’t need to do anything overly exotic to live well. With a bit of work, you can have a great summer at home, right in your backyard. Below, we’ll run through a step-by-step guide that’ll result in a yard that might just prove to be your favorite place on the planet. 

Start From Scratch

If you haven’t given your yard much thought for some time, then it’s probably in a pretty poor state. So step one will be to declutter your yard space, which will allow you to start your new project from scratch. This means removing any debris or unwanted items, cutting down any branches/trees that you know you won’t want/need in your new yard, and all-around working to create a neutral space that is effectively a blank canvas upon which you can work.

Make it Beautiful

Some people are happy enough to add a comfortable chair to their yard and soak up the rays. But if you’re going to make the most of the space, then you’ll want to make it beautiful. This will make your space much more inviting — after all, who doesn’t want to spend time in a yard that looks well put together? There’s no shortage of ways to beautify your yard. You could learn the basics of gardening and build it up over a period of time, though be aware that will take a lot of time. A better option is to look at custom artificial living walls, which will give you the “green” look without all the hard work. If you want to incorporate some natural elements, then a hanging flower basket can do the trick. 

All-Day Comfort 

Once your yard is looking good, you’ll look forward to spending long days in the sunshine, just steps away from your main house. It’s best to look at investing in quality outdoor furniture; they’ll provide the level of comfort that you need to sit for hours and hours. As well as general chairs and lounge chairs, you might also consider adding a hammock, which can be a game-changing addition to any property. 

To ensure you can sit out late into the night, look at adding some outdoor lighting to the space. A fire pit can also be handy, too. 

Consider Adding Water 

A water feature can be functional and pleasant, especially if you live in an extremely hot region. A swimming pool is a big investment — both from a time and money perspective — but will be more than worth it if you use it to cool off each day. If you’re not a big swimmer, then consider adding a pond. The sound of running water will give your yard a zen-like feel, and it can also help to attract wildlife. 


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