
Thursday, November 30, 2023

What Happens if You Don’t Call an Accident Lawyer After a Car Crash?

Getting into your first car crash is probably one of the most jarring experiences ever. We always want to avoid it by practicing defensive driving and avoiding any unnecessary situations, but sooner or later there’s a good chance you’ll end up in some kind of accident.

No matter how prepared you think you are for a car crash, you’ll probably panic and forget half of the things you’ve learned. One of those things that you might forget is calling an accident lawyer.

Why would someone forget to call an accident lawyer?

Perhaps they’re still in a state of shock, maybe they’re panicking, or perhaps they don’t realize you have to. These are all completely valid reasons why someone might forget to contact an abogado de accidentes (car accident lawyer). Someone might think that the accident is their fault and they’re worried what might happen if lawyers get involved. Perhaps you just want to get out of the area as soon as possible after exchanging information and just forget.

Whatever the case is, you’ve really got to remember to call an accident lawyer. It doesn't need to be immediately after the crash (there are probably more important numbers to call!) but you should definitely remember to do so.

What happens if you forget to call an accident lawyer?

  • A limited understanding of your rights and options. Let’s face it, most of us aren’t lawyers or legal experts, so what would we know about the law and what our rights are? Getting in touch with an accident lawyer will ensure you aren’t getting pushed around after a car crash and will help you navigate a complicated legal landscape.
  • Bad quality of service after a crash. Be it a small settlement or delayed medical treatment, not having an accident lawyer after a car crash will likely lead to a much lower quality of service. Nobody wants to experience this, hence why it’s essential that you get in touch with experts as soon as possible.
  • Long and difficult legal battles. Getting into a car accident can be mentally and physically draining, so the last thing you want to add on top of that is a difficult legal battle. Have a lawyer represent you to ensure you’ve got a fighting chance.

There are many consequences to forgetting to call an accident lawyer. However, it doesn’t need to be a long call or process. It’s perfectly fine to just give them a call and see how they can help you. They will handle most of the work, and you’ll have everything from car repair fees and medical bills covered with your insurance.

Car crashes are scary and the aftermath is difficult to handle on your own. Even if you think you’ve got a huge support group helping you overcome these difficulties, you should really work together with a car accident lawyer to ensure you’re getting the best possible treatment, settlement, and representation in court! Forgetting to do so will just make things harder than they need to be.

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