
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Turning Your Home Into the Perfect Summer Retreat: A Guide for New Homeowners


Spring might just be on our doorstep, but it is never too early to start prepping your home for summer. Especially if you are a new homeowner who has moved into their first family home this winter, it is essential to understand what are the tasks to complete before the heat of June, July, or August comes. 

But where to start? If you have just bought your first home, the chances are that your summer vacation budget is reduced to almost nothing. But this doesn’t mean that there are no other ways to make the most of the best season of the year. Here are eight simple tips to put into practice today to turn your home into a dreamy summer paradise. 

Keep Up With Summer Maintenance Tasks

Before indulging in the fun parts of getting your home ready for summer, it is important to keep up with the summer home maintenance tasks on your schedule. In particular, spring is a great time to assess your roof and make sure that the winds and storms of winter haven’t damaged it. 

Additionally, make sure to clean your gutters. If leaves and debris have been accumulating here, you can find yourself dealing with water damage, standing water, and a soaked loan at the first summer storm!

Spring Clean Your Home Before Summer Comes – And Declutter!

Once you have checked your roof, gutters, and paint, and you have made sure that the winter weather hasn’t caused any damage to your property, it is time to move indoors. The first step to getting your home’s interiors ready for summer is to declutter. 

After all, if you have been accumulating belongings and possessions, there is no better time than spring to organize a yard or garage sale! 

Striving towards a minimalist home can be an excellent way to improve your finances, create a healthier home environment, and reduce stress levels. 

Assess Your HVAC System and Get It Ready To Fight the Heat

An efficient and perfectly functioning HVAC system can be a real game-changer during the summer months. For new homeowners going into their first summer in their first home, it is extra important to assess and maintain the HVAC and air conditioning system that is already present in the house. 

If there are debris or malfunctioning parts, what is meant to be your best ally to fight the heat of summer can actually contaminate your indoor air and create an unhealthy home environment. While you can easily address some maintenance needs of your system, it is essential to also contact an expert who can regularly and professionally assess your HVAC system. 

Focus on Your Garden and Hone Your Green Fingers

There is nothing better than spending long summer days relaxing in your fairytale garden, surrounded by your family and friends. And, of course, BBQ season is just around the corner! But what if your lawn is inaccessible or not ready for summer? You might be missing out on important family experiences. 

That is why this is the time to start honing your green fingers and plan for the perfect summer garden. How? Here are some unmissable features that you shouldn’t skimp on:

High-quality or DIY outdoor furniture

Fairy Lights or bistro-style outdoor lights - better if solar-powered!

Plenty of blankets and cushions

A decking or small patio area

A water feature - a small inflatable pool will do!

Sunbeds and deck chairs

A BBQ area

And, don’t forget to immerse these features in flower and herbs patches! 

Let Fresh Air and Nature In!

We all tend to spend the majority of our time indoors, often just between our home and office. While this might just be necessary, it does not mean that you have to give in to an unhealthy environment. 

Thankfully, there are many strategies you can use to improve your home’s indoor air quality. For example, upgrading your HVAC system, changing your EPA filter, investing in a dehumidifier, or increasing ventilation. But if you are looking for simpler but just as efficient solutions, you can improve your home’s indoor air quality by opening the windows, swapping heavy drapes for lighter windows, and letting fresh air and sunshine in. 

This simple strategy can promote air circulation, reduce the levels of moisture inside the home, and prevent severe issues such as mold and mildew. 

Create a Healthy Kitchen

Healthy summer eating can be a challenge - especially if you have a series of BBQ parties and dinner events already lined up. However, it is essential to put in place a healthy regime to make the most of the months ahead. After all, restaurant meals and cocktails can affect your health, shape, and mood! 

But don’t forget that your health starts from your kitchen - and, more importantly, the grocery store! If you are unsure where to start, just make sure to focus on ingredients and foods that are lean, seasonal, unprocessed, and mostly plant-based. And, don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated!

Keep Your Family Active With a Home Gym Area

Fitness is essential - all year round! However, as summer comes around, the heat can cause you to feel less active and energized. In this case, investing in a small home gym or fitness area can encourage your whole family to stay active. 

Of course, you don’t need to splurge on highly professional equipment. For example, just a few weights and a yoga mat can be a great starting point!

Dot Your Home With Areas for Rest, Socialization, and Entertainment

The best part of the summer months is that this is the time for entertainment, socialization, and rest. So, make sure that your home is ready to welcome your family and friends, and offers multiple areas for rest and entertainment. 

If you are unsure what the best solution for your home is, consider installing a BBQ area or a fire pit surrounded by logs to enjoy s’mores and late-night conversations!

If there are kids in your household, make sure to invest in a trampoline, play area, or pool. It is important that they have an area where they can go to enjoy the school-free summer months with their friends!

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