Glorious gardens are a wonderful space in which to spend family time. However, for you to enjoy them to the full, you must ensure they are as safe as possible. A topic which you can read all about in the post below.
Poisoning & toxic chemicals
One of the most significant risks in the garden is that of poisoning. In fact, there are two primary sources from which this arises. The first is that gardens are often home to potent and toxic chemicals such as fertilizers and weed killers. Substances that you certainly do not want to allow your family unrestricted access.
In fact, even applying them to your garden can cause an issue. If the family sits on the grass or eats vegetables that haven't been sufficiently washed off, that is.
With that in mind storing any chemicals in a secure location, preferably with a lock is the best idea. It is also vital that you read and adhere to the instructions of each different chemical you use carefully. Particularly concerning how long a time should be left before you allow your family and pets to use areas that have been treated.
The second instance where poisoning can become an issue in the garden is with the flowers and the plants themselves. In fact, many of the most beautiful looking fauna may be hazardous to life, if not suitably protected against. In particular, look out for varieties such as the deadly rosary pea, doll's eye, and hemlock.
A water feature can enhance many outdoor spaces. Whether it's a pond, reflecting pool, stream, or even a fountain. In fact, the relaxing trickle of water is much prized for its calming and cooling effects.
Sadly, there is another side to garden water features that you need to be aware of, and it's the risk they can pose to your family and pets. In fact, any body of water, no matter how small, can be a drowning risk.
What that means is you must take measures to make any water feature as safe as possible. The good news is that there are several options to consider here, depending on the type of water feature that you have.
For example, a pond may be made safer by the use of a metal grate that sits level with the waterline. Something that can be painted to ensure it is suitable fits in with its surroundings. The idea being that if anyone does accidentally stumble into its area, their weight will be supported and so they will remain perfectly safe. Similarly, for larger pools and swimming pools, rigid covers can be bought for when they are not in use.
Alternatively, you may wish to choose a more advanced option and go for a fountain that is powered by solar energy. In fact, such foundations can be placed anywhere and do not require an independent source of water. That is, they just recycle around a jug full that you have to poor yourself. Something that means there is no pool created, and therefore much less risk.
Additionally, remember if you do choose to have a water feature in your garden, you must have a way of circulating and cleaning the water. After all, standing water can attract all sorts of bacteria and insects that would be a threat to those looking to enjoy the garden, if they got too close.
Insects and pests
Talking of insects, and of pests in general, here lies another potential risk for garden users. In fact, pests can be problematic in several ways. The first of these is the tendency to bite, something primarily associated with insects such as mosquitoes.
Unfortunately, depending on the whereabouts in the world you live, a note from a mosquito can be much more severe than an itchy red lump. In fact, some of these pests are associated with very serious and life-threatening diseases such as Zika Virus and Malaria. With that in mind, finding a professional Mosquito Control provider in your location is vital. If your design is to enjoy your outdoor space, without risk to the safety of your family.
Of course, mosquitos are not the only pests that can be found in the garden. Rodents such as mice and rats can also be problematic. Especially if you live in either an urban area or a rural one where their preferred food sources are plentiful. Sadly, such rodents are often the bearers of disease and are indiscriminate of where they leave their droppings. Something that means both your garden and home can be at risk of becoming unsafe.
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Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to minimize the risk of rodent infestation in your garden. One is to ensure that you store your trash well away from the house and that it is covered over as well. Additionally, promptly picking up any garden waste such as fallen fruits is also advisable. The reason being that they could provide such rodents a hearty meal and encourage their presence.
Also is using traps to reduce the numbers you need to deal with can be helpful. There are even humane versions if you don't want to kill the rodents.
Dangerous tools and equipment
From chainsaws to lawnmowers, there certainly are a lot of potentially dangerous machines and equipment located in the vicinity of the garden. In fact, even a simple rake can cause a great deal of damage if left on its back and hidden in tall grass.
That is why it is so crucial that you and your family have a healthy respect for garden tools. Something that means you do not just leave them lying about. In fact, setting up a secure, lockable garden cupboard in the key here. While also instituting a policy of always returning them to their place as soon as you have finished using them is a smart idea.
Additionally, making sure that you understand how to safely use and maintain the tool you have for the upkeep of your garden is vital as well. Although, for the latter task, recruiting the help of a specialist is often helpful. Indeed, it will also ensure that you get as long a life from such equipment as well.
Contamination risks
Finally, as well as the risk mentioned above, there are others that you need to be aware of. These broadly fall into the category of contamination risks. That is harmful things that are common in the outdoors that could negatively impact the health and wellbeing of your family.
One of these is the contamination risk that pet feces can cause. After all, many people allow their pets into the garden to do their business, yet use the same space for leisure, entertainment, and fun.
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To that end, setting aside a particular spot in the garden in which your pets can toilet is the best idea. In fact, if you can fenace this in, it's even better. The reason being that this will help to prevent contamination from occurring as much. While also being easier to regularly clean and keep on top of.
Additionally, in most gardens, there are all sorts of bugs and creepy crawlies, that while a vital part of the ecosystem can also be hazardous to human health.
For example, the common slug often hosts a parasite called lungworm. A creature that can be very harmful to both humans and domestic animals if accidentally consumed. Of course, one way to deal with this is to use slug prevention measures such as pellets and copper tape. Although educating kids and checking and supervising your pets while outside can also help to reduce this kind of risk.
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