
Saturday, July 6, 2019

Aging In Place: Is It A Good Idea For Your Parents?

Your parents aren't getting any younger, and there will come a time when one important question needs to be asked - should you let them age in place?

For your parents, they might answer in the positive. Many older people fear losing their independence as they get older, so the thought of moving into a care home might not be their preferred choice. However, if your parent has specific health issues, and they are living with reduced mobility, then you need to consider your options. You see, letting your parents stay at home isn't always the best option.

So, what's the answer?

The first thing you need to do is talk to your parents

It would be wrong of you to make any hasty decisions without consulting them first. In most cases, they will know their needs better than you, so they need to have a say in any decisions being made. Discuss with them the pros and cons of aging in place, and if their preferred choice is to stay at home, then you need to take other things into consideration.

You should consider the care needs of your parents

If you still have two living parents, then one or the other might be able to act as a caregiver if the other is struggling in any way. If you only have one, or if both parents are unwell and in need of care, then you need to formulate a plan. This begins by speaking to your parent's doctor. They will be able to advise you further, with possible options for letting your parents stay in place. For example, the doctor might refer you to specialist nursing agencies who will provide home care for your parents. And he or she might also give you guidance on any home modifications that will make life easier for your parents. If these things guarantee your parents will be safe at home, then aging in place is probably the right answer.

Consider why aging in place might not be the right answer

If your parents show signs that they aren't able to care for themselves properly, then another option might need to be found. So, if they have severe issues with their sight, for example, or if they are suffering from memory-related issues, such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia, then staying at home might not be the best answer, even with the assistance of home care nurses. You need to consider your parent's safety, after all. In such instances, a care home facility might be the appropriate way forward.

Consider why aging in place might be the right answer

If your parents are still able to look after themselves, with or without the assistance of home care staff, and they are keen to do so, then consider the benefits. For one, they won't have to leave the home they have stayed in for years, and for comfort and familiarity, this might be important to them. And because of the cutting-edge technologies available to make aging in place a possibility, it might also be cheaper to let them stay at home instead of paying for residence in a care facility. 

Think of a middle ground

If your parents are reluctant to enter a care home facility, but need the extra help, then you have at least two options. The first is to let your parents live with you, perhaps with the aid of a 
Granny Flats and Studio builder to provide extra living accommodation on your property. This way, you will be able to offer on-site care to your parents should they need it. Alternatively, you could move your parents into an assisted-care living facility that will still allow your parents to have some independence in their senior years.

And so…

Is aging in place a good idea for your parents? We don't have the right answer for you, but consider our suggestions and commit to further research. Let us know your thoughts too, and share any advice you have with us.

Take care, and thanks for reading!

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