Wednesday, January 11, 2017

My Word For The Year: BE

This is the first time I have tried having a Word for the Year. I have seen a lot of people doing it and after spending several days pondering on the most appropriate word for me, I found the perfect word.


A word of only two letters. It is a verb, an action word, defined in many ways, such as, "exist," "occur," "to have a state, quality, identity, nature or role."

Powerful, raw, intriguing.

This is how my year will start and end.

I will BE.


  1. I don't quite get the whole word of the year thing. But I can understand why someone who chooses one might choose be, that makes sense.

  2. That is a pretty profound word, considering it's only 2 letters! Being mindful and in the moment sounds simple but is surprisingly challenging. Have a blessed year ahead!

  3. Short not sweet but impactful and powerful. That's a good choice. Best of luck!

  4. This is a great word of the year, it evokes a reminder to be present in every moment which is something I'm really trying to be more mindful of this year.

  5. I like the word :) I think it encompasses a lot! My word for 2017 is "simple." I tend to overcomplicate things so this'll be a nice change this year :)

  6. I love this! I haven't officially chosen a word, but if I had to right this moment...intentional. I want to be more intentional in everything.

  7. I love everything about this post! You just gave me an awesome idea for a future blog post :) Always BE YOU!

  8. That's a great word. Full of possibilities. Great choice!


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