
Monday, August 5, 2013

Where are you, Child?

"Why did you come home this late? Don't you realize how hard it is for me not to worry about you?"

"That's what's wrong with you, Mom. You don't trust me. You treat me like a little boy!!!" And then he races up the stairs and slams the door.

She bowed her head in resignation. How can she not worry when she knows it is not safe to be out too late. Hasn't her son been watching the news? 

Silently, she prepared dinner for him. She sets the table and goes up to him room and knocks on his door. "My son, come and have dinner. I made your favorite spicy beef stew. I haven't eaten dinner too. I wish we could sit down and have it together... please?"

One minute passes. No response.

Two minutes. Still nothing.

Her eyes now welling with tears as she slowly goes down the stairs.
And then she hears a little boy's voice... "Mom.. I'm so sorry.."

She turns around and sees not the grown man her son has become, but the little boy she missed so much. She puts her arms around her child and all emotions came flooding in.

She remembered the time she hugged him when she had him in her womb. She remembered the time she first held him in her arms on the day he was born. She remembered that tight embrace she got from her son on his first day of nursery school. 

"My son, I am sorry if I pester you with questions about what time you'd be home, who are you with, and where you are. I am just being a parent and I am this way because I love you. I care for you, therefore I worry about you. I hope you understand. I am getting old and insecure. You are my little boy, no matter how grown you've become. In my eyes, you will always be my precious baby."

"I know, Mom. I understand. I'm sorry..."

"Hush now, my child. I will always be here for you no matter what. Now, I want you to go downstairs with me and have dinner. Your spicy beef stew misses you too."

"Sometimes we are so busy growing up that we forget our parents are growing old."


  1. Sweet and oh so true. Now that I am a parent I regret all the times I made my parents worry. Hand me the beef stew please :) ♥

  2. You are a gifted writer Eileen and I enjoy back reading your posts. Looking forward to read more of them. I could be wrong but I can feel and see a bestselling author in you, if you wish to be one that is.

    " It is never too late to chase the dreams we thought we once missed."

  3. So tender and sweet. It's an amazing place in life when you can so clearly understand both parenting and adolescence. It's an aha moment. I hope I have a warm bowl of stew to comfort us while we navigate these emotional mile-stones.

  4. I'm sure a lot of moms out there can relate to this...a good one!

  5. So sweet and a good reminder. Makes me thankful I'll be visiting my dad soon.

  6. Such a lovely post! I really enjoyed reading this. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts.
    This is a great reminder to all kids whether young or old. We should always appreciate what our parents do for us and be thankful that we have them in our lives.
    Have a great weekend :)

  7. This was a beautiful story and a good reminder to both parent and child. :) Now that I'm a mom, I appreciate my mom so much more, and we have a much better understanding of one another. Great post!

    Sarah @ Living As We

  8. Beautiful post! Think all children are selfish in that way. It wasnt until I was a Mom that realized it

  9. wow, this was on point, you really hit home on this one for me. Kids do worry you, i do know how it feel now when my grandmother use to worry about me, but i use to tell her that i was ok, but now since i have 5 kids I understand her now. R.I.P Grandma Mary

  10. Smiles and memories, raising kids is not easy, it's not an easy in the world we live in. I enjoyed reading your post. thanks

  11. What a beautiful story and so very true. I am lucky in that my teenager does not want to go out with friends so he is always home with us.

  12. Such a beautiful way to capture the way a mother views her son even after he begins his transition to manhood. My son is 16 and we live these types of moments every day.

  13. A beautiful post. My eldest is only 5...

  14. Parenting is so bittersweet. I miss the tiny days already, and I see the teen years when they will leave before me coming. Harsh reality, on its way. May I remember to savor the moments.

  15. This is so sweet! I forget this with my parents too sometimes! But I try to enjoy every minute I can with them!

  16. Lovely post, got me a bit emotional. Kids grow up so fast but no matter how old they are they are always our little boys and girls.

  17. Amazing post! I didn't realize how fast they really do grow until I had my own.


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